首页> 外文期刊>Journal of High Speed Networks >Identity management using SAML for mobile clients and Internet of Things

Identity management using SAML for mobile clients and Internet of Things

机译:使用SAML的Identity Management for Mobile客户端和物联网

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Cloud computing is a computing paradigm that provides a set of scalable resources on demand. Mobile clients/users and Internet of Things (IoT) are using cloud resources for their applications. However, it also is a target of cyber-attacks and creates risks for data privacy and protection. Identity management (IdM) has emerged as an important issue for reducing complexity and improving the user experience when accessing services. In addition, nowadays networks and/or security administrators added SAML to authentication services. These service options are available for different uses including a cloud subscriber. In this work, the SAML representation of existing identity management frameworks and its suitability are emphasized. We introduced a new representation of SAML that makes it lightweight, easier to use and easier to parse. This representation is demonstrated using JSON. In this new SAML representation, we enhanced the performance by marshaling the SAML by 28.99%. In this paper, we will go into these challenges to introduce a new representation for the identity and access management by using a markup language. Our results show that the proposed representation is suitable for small processing power devices for faster generation, parsing, and communication.
机译:云计算是一个计算范例,提供了一组按需提供可扩展资源。移动客户端/用户和Internet Internet(IoT)正在使用云资源进行应用。但是,它也是网络攻击的目标,并为数据隐私和保护创造了风险。身份管理(IDM)已成为降低复杂性并在访问服务时提高用户体验的重要问题。此外,现在网络和/或安全管理员将SAML添加到身份验证服务。这些服务选项可用于不同用途,包括云订阅者。在这项工作中,强调了现有身份管理框架的SAML表示及其适用性。我们介绍了SAML的新代表,使其轻巧,更容易使用,更容易解析。使用JSON来证明该表示。在这一新的SAML代表中,我们通过将SAML编制28.99%来提高表现。在本文中,我们将通过使用标记语言来实现这些挑战,以引入身份和访问管理的新表现。我们的研究结果表明,该代表适用于小型加工电力设备,用于更快的发电,解析和通信。



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