首页> 外文期刊>Journal of General Physiology >Vesicular ATP Is the Predominant Cause of Intercellular Calcium Waves in Astrocytes

Vesicular ATP Is the Predominant Cause of Intercellular Calcium Waves in Astrocytes


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Brain astrocytes signal to each other and neurons. They use changes in their intracellular calcium levels to trigger release of transmitters into the extracellular space. These can then activate receptors on other nearby astrocytes and trigger a propagated calcium wave that can travel several hundred micrometers over a timescale of seconds. A role for endogenous ATP in calcium wave propagation in hippocampal astrocytes has been suggested, but the mechanisms remain incompletely understood. Here we explored how calcium waves arise and directly tested whether endogenously released ATP contributes to astrocyte calcium wave propagation in hippocampal astrocytes. We find that vesicular ATP is the major, if not the sole, determinant of astrocyte calcium wave propagation over distances between ~ 100 and 250 μm, and ~15 s from the point of wave initiation. These actions of ATP are mediated by P2Y1 receptors. In contrast, metabotropic glutamate receptors and gap junctions do not contribute significantly to calcium wave propagation. Our data suggest that endogenous extracellular astrocytic ATP can signal over broad spatiotemporal scales.
机译:脑星形细胞相互之间和神经元发出信号。他们利用细胞内钙水平的变化触发递质释放到细胞外空间。然后它们可以激活附近其他星形胶质细胞上的受体,并触发传播的钙波,该钙波可以在几秒的时间内传播几百微米。内源性ATP在海马星形胶质细胞钙波传播中的作用已被提出,但其机理尚不完全清楚。在这里,我们探讨了钙波如何产生,并直接测试了内源性释放的ATP是否有助于星形胶质细胞钙波在海马星形胶质细胞中的传播。我们发现,囊泡ATP是星形胶质细胞钙波传播的主要决定因素,即使不是唯一的决定因素,也是从起波点开始在〜100μm和250μm之间以及〜15 s内。 ATP的这些作用由P2Y1受体介导。相反,代谢型谷氨酸受体和间隙连接对钙波传播没有显着贡献。我们的数据表明,内源性细胞外星形细胞ATP可以在较大的时空尺度上发出信号。



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