首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology >Moral judgment, cognitive distortions and implicit theories in young sex offenders

Moral judgment, cognitive distortions and implicit theories in young sex offenders


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This study focused on moral judgment, cognitive distortions and implicit theories in 77 young sex offenders of whom 56 were child abusers and 21 were peer abusers. The sociomoral reflection measure-short form (SRM-SF) was used to assess moral judgment, and was extended with questions about sexual situations and the offenders’ abuse victim(s). Lower stage moral judgment was only found in peer abusers responding to own victim situations. The Sex With Children (SWCH) scale was used to measure implicit theories, which are beliefs justifying sex with children. No significant differences were found between the child and peer abuser group. Neither significant relations were found between the implicit theories and the level of moral judgment. In addition, all SRM-SF responses were coded according to Barriga and Gibbs’ (199614. Gibbs , J. C. , Potter , G. B. , Barriga , A. Q. and Liau , A. K. 1996 . Developing the helping skills and prosocial motivation of aggressive adolescents in peer group programs . Aggression and Violent Behavior , 1 : 283 - 305 . [CrossRef], [Web of Science ®]View all references. Measuring cognitive distortion in antisocial youth: Development and preliminary validation of the ‘How I think’ questionnaire. Psychology Department, 22, 333-343) four-category typology of self-serving cognitive distortions. Cognitive distortions concerning the abuse victim were associated with lower stage moral judgment, but only in the peer abuser group.
机译:这项研究侧重于77名年轻的性犯罪者的道德判断,认知失真和内隐理论,其中56名是虐待儿童的人,21名是同龄虐待的人。简短的社会道德反思量表(SRM-SF)用于评估道德判断,并扩展了有关性状况和违法者虐待受害者的问题。低级道德判断仅在对自己的受害者处境作出反应的同伴滥用者中发现。 “与儿童发生性关系”(SWCH)量表用于衡量内隐理论,即证明与儿童发生性关系的信念。儿童和同伴虐待者组之间没有发现显着差异。内隐理论与道德判断水平之间没有发现任何重要关系。此外,所有SRM-SF响应均根据Barriga和Gibbs™(199614. Gibbs,JC,Potter,GB,Barriga,AQ和Liau,AK 1996)进行编码。程序。侵略和暴力行为,1:283-305。[CrossRef],[Web of Science®]查看所有参考文献。测量反社会青年中的认知变形:“我如何思考”问卷的发展和初步验证。心理学部,第22卷,第333-343页)自我服务认知扭曲的四类分类法。有关虐待受害者的认知失真与较低阶段的道德判断有关,但仅在同龄虐待者群体中。



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