首页> 外文期刊>Journal of food protection >Environmental Swabs As A Tool In Norovirus Outbreak Investigation, Including Outbreaks On Cruise Ships

Environmental Swabs As A Tool In Norovirus Outbreak Investigation, Including Outbreaks On Cruise Ships


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In this study, we investigated whether environmental swabs can be used to demonstrate the presence of norovirus in outbreak settings. First, a procedure was set up based on viral RNA extraction using guanidium isothiocyanate buffer and binding of nucleic acids to silica. Subsequently, environmental swabs were taken at 23 Dutch restaurants and four cruise ships involved in outbreaks of gastroenteritis. Outbreaks were selected based on clinical symptoms consistent with viral gastroenteritis and time between consumption of suspected food and onset of clinical symptoms (>12 h). Norovirus RNA was demonstrated by real-time reverse transcriptase PCR in 51 of 86 (59%) clinical specimens from 12 of 14 outbreaks (86%), in 13 of 90 (14%) food specimens from 4 of 18 outbreaks (22%), and in 48 of 119 (40%) swab specimens taken from 14 of 27 outbreaks (52%). Positive swab samples agreed with positive clinical samples in seven outbreaks, showing identical sequences. Furthermore, norovirus was detected on swabs taken from kitchen and bathroom surfaces in five outbreaks in which no clinical samples were collected and two outbreaks with negative fecal samples. The detection rate was highest for outbreaks associated with catered meals and lowest for restaurant-associated outbreaks. The use of environmental swabs may be a useful tool in addition to testing of food and clinical specimens, particularly when viral RNA is detected on surfaces used for food preparation.
机译:在这项研究中,我们调查了环境拭子是否可用于证明暴发流行环境中诺如病毒的存在。首先,基于使用异硫氰酸胍缓冲液的病毒RNA提取以及核酸与二氧化硅的结合建立了程序。随后,在23家荷兰餐馆和4艘涉及胃肠炎暴发的游轮上采集了环境拭子。根据与病毒性胃肠炎相一致的临床症状以及食用可疑食物与临床症状发作之间的时间(> 12小时)选择暴发。通过实时逆转录酶PCR在14例暴发中的12例(86%)的86个临床标本中(51%),18例暴发中的4例(90%)的90个食品中的13个(14%)证明了诺如病毒RNA ,在119例爆发中的14例(52%)中,抽取了119个样本中的48个(40%)。在7次暴发中,阳性拭子样本与阳性临床样本一致,显示出相同的序列。此外,在从厨房和浴室表面采集的拭子中检测到诺如病毒,其中有五次没有收集到临床标本,两次有阴性粪便标本。与餐饮相关的疾病暴发的检出率最高,而与餐厅相关的疾病暴发的检出率最低。除测试食物和临床样本外,使用环境拭子可能是一种有用的工具,特别是当在用于食物制备的表面检测到病毒RNA时。



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