首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Family Communication >The Use of Behavioral Indicators of Sibling Commitment Among Emerging Adults

The Use of Behavioral Indicators of Sibling Commitment Among Emerging Adults


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The purpose of this investigation was to examine the role that commitment plays in emerging adult sibling relationships. In the first study, 148 participants provided 436 examples of how they showed sibling commitment that were coded into 11 behavioral indicators of commitment. In the second study, 140 participants indicated the extent to which they used each of the 11 behavioral indicators of commitment with a targeted sibling and completed measures of relational and communication satisfaction in reference to the sibling. Results indicate that (a) siblings behaviorally express their commitment through 11 behaviors: tangible support, emotional support, informational support, esteem support, network support, everyday talk, shared activities, verbal expressions, nonverbal expressions, protection, and intimate play; (b) protection was the most frequently used behavioral indicator of commitment; (c) the behavioral indicators of sibling commitment generally are directly related to relational and communication satisfaction; and (d) the emotional support, network support, and shared activities behavioral indicators are predictors of relational and communication satisfaction.
机译:这项调查的目的是检验承诺在新兴的成年同胞关系中所扮演的角色。在第一项研究中,有148位参与者提供了436个有关他们如何显示同胞承诺的示例,这些示例被编码为11个承诺的行为指标。在第二项研究中,有140名参与者表示他们使用11个行为承诺指标中的每个指标与同级同胞的程度,并参考同级对关系和沟通满意度的完整度量。结果表明:(a)兄弟姐妹通过11种行为在行为上表达了自己的承诺:有形的支持,情感支持,信息支持,自尊支持,网络支持,日常谈话,共享活动,语言表达,非语言表达,保护和亲密游戏; (b)保护是最常用的承诺行为指标; (c)兄弟姐妹承诺的行为指标通常与关系和沟通满意度直接相关; (d)情感支持,网络支持和共享活动的行为指标是关系和沟通满意度的预测指标。



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