首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Experimental Botany >Existing branches correlatively inhibit further branching in Trifolium repens: possible mechanisms

Existing branches correlatively inhibit further branching in Trifolium repens: possible mechanisms


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In Trifolium repens removal of any number of existing branches distal to a nodal root stimulates development of axillary buds further along the stem such that the complement of branches distal to a nodal root remains constant. This study aimed to assess possible mechanisms by which existing branches correlatively inhibit the outgrowth of axillary buds distal to them. Treatments were applied to basal branches to evaluate the roles of three postulated inhibitory mechanisms: (I) the transport of a phloem-mobile inhibitory feedback signal from branches into the main stem; (II) the polar flow of auxin from branches into the main stem acting to limit further branch development; or (III) the basal branches functioning as sinks for a net root-derived stimulatory signal (NRS). Results showed that transport of auxin, or of a non-auxin phloem-mobile signal, from basal branches did not influence regulation of correlative inhibition and were consistent with the possibility that the intra-plant distribution of NRS could be involved in the correlative inhibition of distal buds by basal branches. This study supports existing evidence that regulation of branching in T. repens is dominated by a root-derived stimulatory signal, initially distributed via the xylem, the characterization of which will progress the generic understanding of branching regulation.
机译:在白三叶中,去除根节远侧的任何数量的现有分支会进一步刺激沿茎干的腋芽的发育,从而使结根远侧的分支的补体保持恒定。这项研究旨在评估可能的机制,通过这些机制现有的分支可以相关地抑制远端的腋芽的生长。对基部分支进行处理以评估三种假定的抑制机制的作用:(I)韧皮部移动抑制反馈信号从分支向主茎的转运; (II)生长素从分支进入主茎的极性流动,限制了分支的进一步发展;或(III)基部分支充当净根源刺激信号(NRS)的汇。结果表明,来自基部分支的生长素或非生长素韧皮部移动信号的转运不影响相关抑制的调节,并且与NRS的植物内分布可能参与对NRS的相关抑制的可能性一致。远端芽由基部分支。这项研究支持现有的证据,即白桦的分支调控主要由根源的刺激信号控制,最初通过木质部分布,其表征将促进对分支调控的一般理解。



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