首页> 外文期刊>Journal of European Competition Law & Practice >Use and Importance of Market Studies in Modern Competition Enforcement

Use and Importance of Market Studies in Modern Competition Enforcement


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Concerns of the digital age are manifold and one of them is the length of time it takes an authority to adopt an antitrust decision. A lot of this discussion stems from the fact that the Google decision imposing a 2.4 billion euro fine on the online search company, was adopted 8 years after the announcement of the initial investigation. It takes little account of the efforts put into reaching a commitment decision, in 2012 and 2013, presumably evidence that the European Commission's goal was to find a swift and effective solution. Another example, frequently cited, is that the recent European Court of Justice judgment in the Intel appeal relates to activity that took place between 2002 and 2007. This despite the fact that the adoption of the Intel decision by the European Commission, which fined Intel 1.06 billion euros and effectively halted the behaviour complained of, was reached in 2009. That is 2 years after the time period of the alleged offence. The subsequent lapse of time related to the judicial appeal, which admittedly may be tiresome and expensive for the parties, but has no direct bearing on the time taken by the European Commission to conduct the investigation.
机译:数字时代的担忧是多方面的,其中之一是授权机构采取反托拉斯决定所需的时间。大量的讨论源于谷歌对在线搜索公司处以24亿欧元罚款的决定是在宣布初步调查后8年通过的。它很少考虑到2012年和2013年做出承诺决定所付出的努力,大概证明了欧洲委员会的目标是找到一种迅速有效的解决方案。经常被引用的另一个例子是,欧洲法院最近在英特尔上诉中的判决与2002年至2007年之间发生的活动有关。尽管事实上,欧洲委员会通过了英特尔裁决,对英特尔处以1.06英镑的罚款。 2009年达到了10亿欧元,并有效地阻止了所投诉的行为。这是在被指控犯罪发生的时间之后2年。随后的时间流逝与司法上诉有关,这无疑对当事方而言既累人又昂贵,但与欧洲委员会进行调查所花费的时间没有直接关系。



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