首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies >Practising Motherhood at a Distance: Retention and Loss in Ecuadorian Transnational Families

Practising Motherhood at a Distance: Retention and Loss in Ecuadorian Transnational Families


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This article builds on an ethnographic study of a migration flow linking Ecuador and Italy. Through personal relationships built up during fieldwork, I was able to delve into the changing interactions between migrant mothers and the children they leave behind, looking also at constructions of ‘mothering at a distance’ in both their host and their home societies. For migrant women, practising transnational motherhood entails communicating frequently, sending remittances and showing a deep affective involvement. The attitudes and practices of migrant mothers suggest an ambivalent commitment: an attempt to exert control from afar over their children's daily lives, alongside a perception that any such attempt may prove inadequate; a struggle to work and save hard, alongside fears that the money sent home may be spent improperly; and a framing of migration as a necessary self-sacrifice, together with concerns about losing their grip on their children's upbringing. The article also looks at the role of some key variables—for example, the role of other family members in care arrangements; the influence of temporal and spatial distances on the evolution of intimate relationships; and the prospects for family reunion—in accounting for the impact of transnational caregiving practices. A final question arises. To what extent and in what realms—that is, in relation to the affective domain, the realm of communication or the area of material reproduction—can a transnational caregiving relationship be mutually interchangeable with a proximity-based one?View full textDownload full textKeywordsInternational Migration, Ecuador, Transnational Motherhood, Transnational Caregiving, EthnographyRelated var addthis_config = { ui_cobrand: "Taylor & Francis Online", services_compact: "citeulike,netvibes,twitter,technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,more", pubid: "ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b" }; Add to shortlist Link Permalink http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2012.646421
机译:本文基于对厄瓜多尔和意大利之间的移民流动进行的人种学研究。通过在野外工作期间建立的个人关系,我能够深入研究移徙母亲与他们留下的孩子之间不断变化的互动,还研究了寄宿家庭和家庭社会中“远距离母亲”的结构。对于移徙妇女而言,实行跨国孕产需要经常沟通,汇款并表现出深厚的情感参与。移徙母亲的态度和做法表明了一种矛盾的承诺:试图从远方控制子女的日常生活,并认为这种尝试可能不充分;努力工作并努力储蓄的努力,以及担心寄回家的钱可能被不当使用;以及将迁移定为一种必要的自我牺牲,以及担心失去对孩子成长的控制。本文还探讨了一些关键变量的作用,例如,其他家庭成员在照料安排中的作用;时间和空间距离对亲密关系演变的影响;以及家庭团聚的前景–解释了跨国看护做法的影响。最后一个问题出现了。在何种程度上和哪个领域(就情感领域而言,即沟通领域或物质再现领域而言),跨国照护关系可以与基于接近的关系相互互换吗?查看全文下载全文关键字:国际移民,厄瓜多尔,跨国孕产,跨国护理,人种学相关变量var addthis_config = {ui_cobrand:“泰勒和弗朗西斯在线”,servicescompact:“ citeulike,netvibes,twitter,technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,更多” ,pubid:“ ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b”};添加到候选列表链接永久链接http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2012.646421



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