首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health >Results of a pilot study of endoscopic screening of first degree relatives of colorectal cancer patients in Italy

Results of a pilot study of endoscopic screening of first degree relatives of colorectal cancer patients in Italy


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Study objective—Screening recommendations for colorectal cancer include sig-moidoscopy in asymptomatic, average risk persons aged 50 and over and colonoscopy every three to five years in high risk groups. Little is known about the eligible population's compliance with endoscopic screening. This is the first Italian report of an endoscopic screening programme for colorectal cancer patients' relatives. Design—In 1986, a pilot project for colorectal cancer screening by endoscopy in high risk subjects was started in the Desio (Milan, Italy) public health service region. The results obtained after seven years are described. Setting—The names of 536 inhabitants with colorectal cancer diagnosed between January 1975 and December 1984 and their relatives' addresses were obtained from the Regione Lombardia Health System records and from the municipal registry offices respectively. Participants—From October 1986 to October 1993, 778 first degree relatives aged 20-75 were offered colonoscopy. Main results—After seven years, 233 (29.9%) had undergone endoscopic examination, mostly up to the splenic flexure. Being > 60 in age at the start of the programme negatively affected participation (p < 0.05). Two cancers were detected and adenomatous polyps were found in another 24 of those screened (frequencies: 0.9% and 10.3% respectively). Male gender (p < 0.05), increasing age in males (p < 0.01), and two or more affected relatives in females (p < 0.01) positively affected the frequency of polyps detection. Conclusion—These results suggest that about 30% of the eligible population would comply at least with sigmoidoscopic screening. The collaboration of family doctors and more widespread public information about the ability to cure colorectal cancer are necessary for better compliance.
机译:研究目标-筛查结肠直肠癌的建议包括:对无症状,50岁及以上的中等风险人群进行乙状结肠镜检查,对高危人群每3至5年进行结肠镜检查。对于合格人群对内窥镜检查的依从性知之甚少。这是意大利首次针对大肠癌患者亲属进行内窥镜检查计划的报告。设计-1986年,在Desio(意大利米兰)公共卫生服务区开始了通过内窥镜检查对高危人群进行大肠癌筛查的试点项目。描述了七年后获得的结果。设置-分别从Regione Lombardia Health System记录和市政注册处获得1975年1月至1984年12月之间诊断的536名结肠直肠癌居民的姓名及其亲戚地址。参与者-从1986年10月到1993年10月,为778名20-75岁的一级亲属提供了结肠镜检查。主要结果-七年后,有233例(占29.9%)接受了内窥镜检查,主要是脾弯曲。在计划开始时年龄大于60岁会对参与产生负面影响(p <0.05)。发现了两种癌症,在另外24例被筛查的癌症中发现了腺瘤性息肉(频率:分别为0.9%和10.3%)。男性性别(p <0.05),男性年龄增加(p <0.01)和女性有两个或更多受影响的亲属(p <0.01)对息肉的检出频率产生积极影响。结论—这些结果表明,约有30%的合格人群至少会接受乙状结肠镜筛查。家庭医生的合作以及关于治愈结肠直肠癌的能力的更广泛的公共信息对于更好的依从性是必要的。



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