首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health >Does cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis carry an increased risk of death from lung cancer?

Does cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis carry an increased risk of death from lung cancer?


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It is widely believed among chest physicians that patients with cryptogenic fibronsing alveo- litis (CFA) are at substantially increased risk of death from lung cancer. This belief is largely the result of a follow up study by Tuner- Warwick and colleagues reported in 1980. Of 205 patients attending the Brompton Hospital between 1955 and 1973 with CFA, 20 (9.8/100) died form lung cancer; an excess relative risk of 14.1. This association is often taken to suggest that pulmonary fibrosis in itself entails a mechanism that predisposes to malignancy and that this in turn may explain the observed risk between other fibrotic diseases such as asbest- osis and silicosis and lung cancer.
机译:胸科医生普遍认为,隐源性纤维化肺泡炎(CFA)患者的肺癌死亡风险大大增加。这种信念很大程度上是Tuner-Warwick及其同事在1980年进行的一项后续研究的结果。1955年至1973年间,在Brompton医院就诊的205例CFA患者中,有20例(9.8 / 100)死于肺癌。相对危险度为14.1。这种关联通常被认为是肺纤维化本身就构成了一种易患恶性肿瘤的机制,而这反过来可以解释观察到的其他纤维化疾病(如石棉沉着症,矽肺病和肺癌)之间的风险。



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