首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Radioactivity >Conclusions on plutonium separation from atmospheric krypton-85 measured at various distances from the Karlsruhe reprocessing plant

Conclusions on plutonium separation from atmospheric krypton-85 measured at various distances from the Karlsruhe reprocessing plant

机译:在距卡尔斯鲁厄后处理厂不同距离处测定的从from 85中分离k的结论

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For wide-area atmospheric monitoring, krypton-85 is the best indicator for clandestine plutonium separations. The detection and false alarm rates were determined from weekly samples at five different distances from the Karlsruhe reprocessing plant between 1985 and 1988. The detection rate for the separation of 4 kg of plutonium per week was found to be as high as 80-90% at a distance of less than 1 km, 70% at 5 km, 40% at 39 km, and 15% at 130 km. At distances up to 40 km, the false alarm rate is less than 3.5%. On average, the fuel released 28 TBq krypton-85 per kg plutonium. For weapons-grade plutonium, the krypton signal would be lower by a factor of 2. Hence, the given percentages correspond to the detection probabilities for the separation of a significant quantity (8 kg) of plutonium per weekly sample under the specific meteorological conditions of the WAK. The minimum separation rates that could have been detected are 2 gram of weapons-grade plutonium per week at a distance of less than 1 km, 40 g/week at 5 km, 200 g/week at 39 km, and 1000 g/week at 130 km.
机译:对于广域大气监测,, 85是秘密c分离的最佳指示剂。从1985年至1988年之间距离卡尔斯鲁厄后处理厂五个不同距离的每周样本中确定检出率和误报率。发现每周分离4公斤of的检出率在80-90%时高达80-90%。距离小于1公里,5公里处70%,39公里处40%,130公里处15%。在最远40公里处,误报率小于3.5%。平均而言,这种燃料释放出每千克q 28 TBq --85。对于武器级p,the信号将降低2倍。因此,给定的百分比对应于在特定气象条件下每周分离出大量样品(8 kg)detection的检测概率。 WAK。可以检测到的最小分离率是:在小于1 km的距离内每周有2克武器级5;在5 km处为40 g /周;在39 km处为200 g /周;在1000 km /周时130公里



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