首页> 外文期刊>Journal of environmental psychology >Relating values and consideration of future and immediate consequences to consumer preference for biofuels: A three-dimensional social dilemma analysis

Relating values and consideration of future and immediate consequences to consumer preference for biofuels: A three-dimensional social dilemma analysis


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The present study sets preference for biofuels (corn- and cellulose-based ethanol) vs. gasoline within a three-dimensional social dilemma framework recognizing a social conflict (individual vs. collective interests), a temporal conflict (immediate vs. future interests) and a biospheric conflict (human vs.biospheric interests). Using this framework, values (egoistic, altruistic, and biospheric) and time orientation (concern with immediate, and concern with future consequences) are hypothesized to relate to preference for biofuels. To test these hypotheses, a panel of U.S. consumers completed a brief inventory of values, the consideration of future consequences-14 scale, and made a series of choices in fueling scenarios. Results revealed that values and CFC overlap, and that preference for biofuels was inversely related to egoistic values and consideration of immediate consequences and positively related to biospheric values and consideration of future consequences, supporting the three-dimensional social dilemma framework.



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