首页> 外文期刊>Journal of environmental psychology >Environmentally friendly consumer choices: Cultural differences in the self-regulatory function of anticipated pride and guilt

Environmentally friendly consumer choices: Cultural differences in the self-regulatory function of anticipated pride and guilt


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Anticipated self-conscious emotions, such as pride and guilt, help individuals to behave in line with their personal and social standards regarding the environment. We seek to explore whether this self-regulatory role of anticipated pride and guilt functions similarly across individuals from different cultures (N = 3854). We show that there are no differences across countries in the self-regulatory function of anticipated pride and guilt within collectivistic and individualistic cultures but that there are differences between collectivistic and individualistic cultures. For example, for individuals from individualistic countries, anticipated emotions are more strongly affected by attitudes than they are for individuals from collectivistic countries. The results provide a first indication that the function of emotions is more social in nature for individuals from collectivistic than individualistic cultures. These findings imply that cultural differences in the function of emotions are associated with cultural differences in self-construal. (c) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:预期的自我意识情绪(例如自豪感和内感)可以帮助人们按照与环境有关的个人和社会标准行事。我们试图探讨预期的自尊心和内感的这种自我调节作用是否在不同文化背景的个体之间同样起作用(N = 3854)。我们表明,在集体主义和个人主义文化中,预期的自豪感和负罪感的自我调节功能在国家之间没有差异,但是集体主义和个人主义文化之间存在差异。例如,对于个人主义国家的人来说,预期的情绪受态度的影响要比对集体国家的人的影响更大。结果提供了第一个指示,即对于集体主义的个人而言,情感的功能在本质上比个人主义的文化更具社交性。这些发现暗示,情绪功能的文化差异与自我建构的文化差异有关。 (c)2014 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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