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A Monthly Publication Schedule for Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power (JEGTP)


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A happy new year to all of you! I am pleased to announce that effective 1 January 2010, JEGTP will be published monthly. This is made possible because JEGTP continues to receive a large number of outstanding papers from all over the world in the field of gas turbines, nuclear power, internal combustion engines, and fossil energy. Strong synergies exist among these seemingly diverse fields. For example, nuclear reactor power generation cycles are beginning to employ gas turbines operating with novel working fluids such as helium. Also, advances in gas turbine radial blade designs, secondary flow controls, aerodynamic flutter, rotor dynamics, bearing technology, and thermal barrier coatings are readily finding applications in tomorrow's steam turbine and turbo generator designs. JEGTP has successfully integrated these papers into an "energy and power" journal for which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. To celebrate this success, JEGTP has a new front cover, more journal resources, and ASME has doubled the number of published issues. All these improvements represent a "win-win" situation for authors, readers, subscribers, and other journal stakeholders.
机译:祝大家新年快乐!我很高兴地宣布,从2010年1月1日开始,JEGTP将每月出版一次。之所以能够做到这一点,是因为JEGTP继续在燃气轮机,核能,内燃机和化石能源领域收到来自世界各地的大量优秀论文。在这些看似不同的领域之间存在强大的协同作用。例如,核反应堆的发电周期开始采用以新型工作流体(例如氦气)运行的燃气轮机。同样,燃气轮机径向叶片设计,二次流控制,空气动力学颤振,转子动力学,轴承技术和隔热涂层的进步也很容易在未来的蒸汽轮机和涡轮发电机设计中找到应用。 JEGTP已成功将这些论文整合到“能源和电力”期刊中,该期刊的总和大于其各个部分的总和。为了庆祝这一成功,JEGTP提供了新的封面,更多的期刊资源,并且ASME已将已出版的期刊数量增加了一倍。所有这些改进代表着作者,读者,订户和其他期刊利益相关者的“双赢”局面。



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