首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education for Teaching >A critical history of research assessment in the United Kingdom and its post-1992 impact on education

A critical history of research assessment in the United Kingdom and its post-1992 impact on education


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This paper presents a critical overview of the way in which higher education institutions (HEIs) in the UK have had their research activity subject to review. There have been six such reviews to date, the first two carried out by the Universities Grants Committee and, from 1992, by its replacement, the four UK higher education (HE) funding bodies (HE Funding Council for England, HE Funding Council for Wales, the Scottish HE Funding Council and the Department for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland). The paper provides a broad outline of the key elements of the process, focusing on the two more recent research reviews and their impact on the subject of education, with the references providing specific detail for those interested in the minutiae of the reviews.
机译:本文对英国的高等教育机构(HEI)的研究活动进行审查的方式进行了批判性概述。迄今为止,已经进行了六次这样的审查,前两次由大学教育资助委员会进行,从1992年开始,由英国的四个高等教育(HE)资助机构(英格兰的HE资助委员会,威尔士的HE资助委员会)取代。 ,苏格兰高等教育基金会和北爱尔兰就业与学习部)。本文概述了该过程的关键要素,重点是最近的两次研究综述及其对教育主题的影响,其中的参考文献为那些对评论的细节感兴趣的人提供了具体的细节。



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