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The promise and pitfalls of using imprecise school accountability measures


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Over the last decade, states have constructed elaborate incentive systems for schools using school-level test scores. By the spring of 2002, nearly every state and the District of Columbia had implemented some form of accountability for public schools using test scores. For instance, the state of California spent nearly USD700 million on financial incentives in 2001, with bonuses of up to USD25,000 for teachers in schools with the largest test score improvements. The federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 mandates even broader accountability, requiring all states to test children in grades three through eight within three years and to intervene in schools failing to achieve specific performance targets. Economists have paid scant attention to the properties of school accountability systems. The nature of the incentives presented to schools ultimately depends upon the strengths and weaknesses of the school-level mean test score measures upon which most accountability systems are based. Accordingly, in this article, we describe the statistical properties of school test score measures, which are less reliable than is commonly recognized, and explore the implications for school incentives. Many accountability systems that appear reasonable at first glance perform in perverse ways when test score measures are imprecise.
机译:在过去的十年中,各州使用学校水平的考试成绩为学校构建了完善的激励系统。到2002年春季,几乎每个州和哥伦比亚特区都使用考试成绩对公立学校实施了某种形式的问责制。例如,2001年,加利福尼亚州花费了将近7亿美元用于财务奖励,为考试成绩提高幅度最大的学校的教师提供了高达25,000美元的奖金。联邦的《 2001年不让任何一个孩子落后法案》规定了更广泛的责任制,要求所有州在三年内对三至八年级的孩子进行测试,并对未能达到特定绩效目标的学校进行干预。经济学家很少关注学校问责制的性质。提供给学校的奖励措施的性质最终取决于大多数问责制所基于的学校级别平均考试成绩衡量标准的优缺点。因此,在本文中,我们描述了学校考试成绩量度的统计属性,该统计性质不如通常公认的可靠,并探讨了学校奖励措施的含义。乍一看似乎很合理的许多问责制系统在测验分数度量不准确时会以错误的方式执行。



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