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Women in Economics: Moving Up or Falling Off the Academic Career Ladder?


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The percentage of economics doctorates awarded to women increased from 8.7 percent in 1974 to 26.9 percent in 2000, according to data from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Survey of Earned Doctorates. This article considers whether the corresponding increases of women economists that one might expect as women move up the academic career ladder have occurred. A number of studies based on data through the 1980s find that women economists are less likely to be promoted to tenure than men (Kahn, 1993; Broder, 1993; McDowell, Singell and Ziliak, 1999, 2001) and that these differences are not fully explained by observable characteristics. Other recent studies on Sweden and the United Kingdom find that women are underrepresented in tenured academic ranks in economics there (Persson, 2002; Booth, Frank and Blackaby, 2002). However, relatively little is known about women economists' academic employment outcomes in the United States during the most recent decade. Our study draws upon several empirical approaches and multiple data sets for the 1990s. We find that when compared with other academic disciplines, women in economics are less likely to get tenure and take longer to achieve it. Although gender differences in productivity and the effect of children on promotion partly explain women's lesser chances of receiving tenure in economics, a significant portion of the gender promotion gap remains unexplained by observable characteristics.
机译:根据美国国家科学基金会(NSF)获得的博士学位调查的数据,授予女性的经济学博士学位的百分比从1974年的8.7%增加到2000年的26​​.9%。本文考虑了随着女性在学术职业上的进步,人们可能期望女性经济学家的相应增加。许多基于1980年代数据的研究发现,女性经济学家晋升为终身制的可能性小于男性(Kahn,1993; Broder,1993; McDowell,Singell和Ziliak,1999,2001),而且这些差异并不完全通过可观察的特征来解释。最近有关瑞典和英国的其他研究发现,在该国终身制的学术界中,女性任职人数不足(Persson,2002; Booth,Frank和Blackaby,2002)。但是,在最近十年中,对美国女经济学家的学术就业成果了解得很少。我们的研究借鉴了1990年代的几种经验方法和多个数据集。我们发现,与其他学科相比,经济学中的女性获得终身制的可能性较小,花费时间更长。尽管生产率和性别对子女的性别差异以及子女对晋升的影响在一定程度上解释了妇女在经济上获得终身制的机会较小,但性别晋升差距的很大一部分仍无法通过可观察的特征加以解释。



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