首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Literature >Economic History or History of Economics? A Review Essay on Sylvia Nasar s Grand Pursuit:The Story of Economic Genius

Economic History or History of Economics? A Review Essay on Sylvia Nasar s Grand Pursuit:The Story of Economic Genius

机译:经济史还是经济学史?西尔维亚·纳萨尔(Sylvia Nasar)的《大追求:经济天才的故事》述评

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In this essay, I review Sylvia Nasar s long awaited new history of economics, Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius. I describe how the book is an economic history of the period 1850-1950, with distinguished economists' stories inserted in appropriate places. Nasar's goal is to show how economists work, but also to show that they are people too-with more than enough warts and foibles to show they are human! I contrast the general view of the role of economics in Grand Pursuit with Robert Heilbroner's remarkably different conception in The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times, and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers. I also discuss more generally the question of why economists might be interested in their history at all.
机译:在本文中,我将回顾西尔维亚·纳萨尔(Sylvia Nasar)期待已久的新经济学史,《大追求:经济天才的故事》。我描述了这本书如何成为1850-1950年的经济历史,并在适当的地方插入了杰出的经济学家的故事。纳萨尔(Nasar)的目标是展示经济学家的工作方式,而且还表明他们也是人-拥有足够多的疣和缺点来表明他们是人类!我将经济学在大追求中的作用的一般观点与罗伯特·海尔布隆纳在《世俗哲学家:伟大的经济思想家的生活,时代和思想》中截然不同的概念形成鲜明对比。我还将更广泛地讨论为什么经济学家可能对他们的历史完全感兴趣的问题。



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