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The Daily Brew: The Structural Evolution of the Coffee Party on Facebook during the 2010 United States Midterm Election Season


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The activity of the Facebook Group, "Join the Coffee Party Movement" (Coffee Party), is studied during a seven-month period leading up to and following the 2010 United States Midterm election. During this time period, the Coffee Party Facebook Group Administrator account posted 872 parent posts, which received 152,762 comments from participants. We examine the resulting electronic trace data utilizing a method for analyzing weighted social networks of discourse (Mascaro & Goggins, 2011). Our findings explore the network centralization and total post activity across three units of analysis: (a) time, (b) parent post category, and (c) specific parent posts. We report three key findings. First, the structure, centralization, and leadership within the network differ in four key time periods: the time preceding the midterm election, the week of the midterm election, the time following the midterm election, and the time period when the new Congress was sworn in. Second, the Coffee Party Administrators act as agenda-setters with the parent posts, but are also significant contributors to the discourse. Third, participants in the discourse alter their roles depending on the specific parent post and category. Our findings have implications for issue groups and candidates who utilize social media tools to mobilize support and engage with supporters, and also provide a methodological contribution for computational social scientists who examine these groups.
机译:在2010年美国中期选举之前及之后的七个月内,研究了Facebook集团“参加咖啡党运动”(Coffee Party)的活动。在此期间,Coffee Party Facebook组管理员帐户发布了872个父帖子,收到了来自参与者的152,762条评论。我们使用一种用于分析话语权重社交网络的方法(Mascaro&Goggins,2011)来检查由此产生的电子跟踪数据。我们的发现探索了跨三个分析单元的网络集中化和总职位活动:(a)时间,(b)父职位类别和(c)特定父职位。我们报告了三个主要发现。首先,网络内部的结构,集中化和领导力在四个关键时期有所不同:中期选举之前的时间,中期选举的一周,中期选举之后的时间以及新国会宣誓就职的时间段in。其次,咖啡党行政人员在上级职位上担任议程制定者,但也是演讲的重要贡献者。第三,话语参与者根据特定的上级职位和类别改变其角色。我们的发现对问题小组和利用社交媒体工具动员支持者并与支持者互动的候选人具有重要意义,同时也为研究这些小组的计算社会科学家提供了方法论上的贡献。



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