首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Digital Imaging >Computerized Determination Scheme for Histological Classification of Breast Mass Using Objective Features Corresponding to Clinicians’ Subjective Impressions on Ultrasonographic Images

Computerized Determination Scheme for Histological Classification of Breast Mass Using Objective Features Corresponding to Clinicians’ Subjective Impressions on Ultrasonographic Images


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It is often difficult for clinicians to decide correctly on either biopsy or follow-up for breast lesions with masses on ultrasonographic images. The purpose of this study was to develop a computerized determination scheme for histological classification of breast mass by using objective features corresponding to clinicians’ subjective impressions for image features on ultrasonographic images. Our database consisted of 363 breast ultrasonographic images obtained from 363 patients. It included 150 malignant (103 invasive and 47 noninvasive carcinomas) and 213 benign masses (87 cysts and 126 fibroadenomas). We divided our database into 65 images (28 malignant and 37 benign masses) for training set and 298 images (122 malignant and 176 benign masses) for test set. An observer study was first conducted to obtain clinicians’ subjective impression for nine image features on mass. In the proposed method, location and area of the mass were determined by an experienced clinician. We defined some feature extraction methods for each of nine image features. For each image feature, we selected the feature extraction method with the highest correlation coefficient between the objective features and the average clinicians’ subjective impressions. We employed multiple discriminant analysis with the nine objective features for determining histological classification of mass. The classification accuracies of the proposed method were 88.4 % (76/86) for invasive carcinomas, 80.6 % (29/36) for noninvasive carcinomas, 86.0 % (92/107) for fibroadenomas, and 84.1 % (58/69) for cysts, respectively. The proposed method would be useful in the differential diagnosis of breast masses on ultrasonographic images as diagnosis aid.
机译:对于临床医生来说,通常很难在超声图像上对肿块进行正确的活组织检查或乳房病变的随访正确决定。这项研究的目的是通过使用与临床医生对超声图像上图像特征的主观印象相对应的客观特征,开发一种用于乳腺组织学分类的计算机确定方案。我们的数据库包含从363位患者中获得的363张乳房超声图像。它包括150个恶性肿瘤(103个浸润性癌和47个非浸润性癌)和213个良性肿块(87个囊肿和126个纤维腺瘤)。我们将数据库分为65个图像(28个恶性和37个良性肿块)用于训练集,以及298个图像(122个恶性和176个良性肿块)用于测试集。首先进行了一项观察者研究,以获取临床医生对9个整体图像特征的主观印象。在提出的方法中,肿块的位置和面积由经验丰富的临床医生确定。我们为九个图像特征中的每一个定义了一些特征提取方法。对于每个图像特征,我们选择了目标特征与一般临床医生的主观印象之间相关系数最高的特征提取方法。我们采用具有9个客观特征的多重判别分析来确定肿块的组织学分类。拟议方法的分类准确度对于浸润性癌为88.4%(76/86),非浸润性癌为80.6%(29/36),纤维腺瘤为86.0%(92/107)和囊肿为84.1%(58/69) , 分别。所提出的方法将有助于超声图像对乳腺肿块的鉴别诊断,作为诊断的辅助手段。



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