首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Dairy Science >Genetics and breeding: Associations Between Milk Protein Polymorphism And First Lactation Milk Production Traits In Finnish Ayrshire Cows

Genetics and breeding: Associations Between Milk Protein Polymorphism And First Lactation Milk Production Traits In Finnish Ayrshire Cows


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Genotypic effects of β-casein (CN), κ-CN, and β- lactoglobulin (LG) on milk, fat, and protein produc- tion and fat and protein percentages were estimated for 18, 686 Finnish Ayrshire cows in first lactation using an animal model. Casein genotype effects were estimated including individual β-CN and κ-CN simul- taneously in a model and then as composite β-κ-CN. The A_2 allele of β-CN and the A allele of κ-CN, as well As the A_1 allele of β-CN and the B or E allele of κ-CN, Appeared together more frequently than was ex- Pected.
机译:估计在第一次泌乳中使用18-686头芬兰Ayrshire母牛,β-酪蛋白(CN),κ-CN和β-乳球蛋白(LG)对牛奶,脂肪和蛋白质生产以及脂肪和蛋白质百分比的基因型影响。动物模型。估计酪蛋白的基因型效应,包括在模型中同时包括单个β-CN和κ-CN,然后是复合β-κ-CN。 β-CN的A_2等位基因和κ-CN的A等位基因,以及β-CN的A_1等位基因和κ-CN的B或E等位基因比预期的出现频率更高。



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