首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >The Effects of Feeding Varying Amounts of Gossypol from Whole Cottonseed and Cottonseed Meal in Lactating Dairy Cows

The Effects of Feeding Varying Amounts of Gossypol from Whole Cottonseed and Cottonseed Meal in Lactating Dairy Cows


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Effects of feeding varying amounts of total gossypol from whole cottonseed and cottonseed meal were evalu - ated in 30 lactating Holstein cows. After a 14-d pretreat - ment period, cows were assigned for 42 d to one of five treatments: control (diet A); 1040 mg/kg of total gossypol, and 989 mg/kg of free gossypol from whole cottonseed (diet B); 900 mg/kg of total gossypol and 64 mg/kg of free gossypol from cottonseed meal (diet C); 960 mg/kg of total gossypol and 531 mg/kg of free gossy - pol with equal amounts of total gossypol from whole cottonseed and cottonseed meal (diet D); or 1922 mg / kg of total gossypol and 1050 mg/kg of free gossypol with equal amounts of total gossypol from whole cotton - seed and cottonseed meal (diet E).
机译:在30头泌乳的荷斯坦奶牛中,评估了从全棉籽和棉籽粕中饲喂不同量的总棉酚的效果。经过14天的预处理后,将母牛分42天接受以下五种处理之一:对照(饮食A);全棉籽中总棉酚为1040 mg / kg,游离棉酚为989 mg / kg(饮食B);从棉籽粕中摄入总棉酚900 mg / kg和游离棉酚64 mg / kg(饮食C); 960 mg / kg的总棉酚和531 mg / kg的游离棉酚-pol,其全棉籽和棉籽粕中的总棉酚含量相同(饮食D);或1922 mg / kg的总棉酚和1050 mg / kg的游离棉酚,以及来自全棉-种子和棉籽粕(饮食E)的等量的总棉酚。



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