首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Bacillus cereus Spores During Housing of Dairy Cows: Factors Affecting Contamination of Raw Milk

Bacillus cereus Spores During Housing of Dairy Cows: Factors Affecting Contamination of Raw Milk


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The contamination of raw milk with Bacillus cereus spores was studied during the indoor confinement of dairy cattle. The occurrence of spores in fresh and used bedding material, air samples, feed, feces, and the rinse water from milking equipment was compared with the spore level in bulk tank milk on 2 farms, one of which had 2 different housing systems. A less extensive study was carried out on an additional 5 farms. High spore concentrations of >100 spores/L in the raw milk were found on 4 of the farms. The number of spores found in the feed, feces, and air was too small to be of importance for milk contamination. Elevated spore contents in the rinse water from the milking equipment (up to 322 spores/L) were observed and large numbers of spores were found in the used bedding material, especially in free stalls with >5 cm deep sawdust beds. At most, 87,000 spores/g were found in used sawdust bedding. A positive correlation was found between the spore content in used bedding material and milk (r = 0.72). Comparison of the genetic fingerprints obtained by the random amplified polymorphic DNA PCR of isolates of B. cereus from the different sources indicated that used bedding material was the major source of contamination. A separate feeding experiment in which cows were experimentally fed B. cereus spores showed a positive relationship between the number of spores in the feed and feces and in the feces and milk (r = 0.78). The results showed that contaminated feed could be a significant source of spore contamination of raw milk if the number of spores excreted in the feces exceeded 100,000/g.
机译:在奶牛的室内禁闭期间研究了蜡样芽孢杆菌孢子对生乳的污染。将新鲜和用过的被褥材料,空气样品,饲料,粪便和挤奶设备产生的冲洗水中孢子的出现与两个农场的散装罐装牛奶中的孢子水平进行了比较,其中一个农场有两种不同的饲养系统。在另外5个农场上进行的研究较少。在其中四个农场中发现原料乳中的孢子浓度高,大于100孢子/ L。饲料,粪便和空气中发现的孢子数量太少,对牛奶污染没有重要意义。观察到挤奶设备冲洗水中的孢子含量升高(最高322孢子/ L),并且在用过的床上用品中发现大量孢子,尤其是在深木屑床超过5厘米的免费摊位中。在用过的木屑垫层中最多发现87,000孢子/ g。发现用过的床上用品中的孢子含量与牛奶之间呈正相关(r = 0.72)。对来自不同来源的蜡状芽孢杆菌分离物进行随机扩增多态性DNA PCR所得的遗传指纹图谱的比较表明,使用的垫料是主要的污染源。一个单独的饲喂实验,用牛饲喂蜡状芽孢杆菌的孢子,表明饲料和粪便以及粪便和牛奶中的孢子数量呈正相关(r = 0.78)。结果表明,如果粪便中排泄的孢子数量超过100,000 / g,受污染的饲料可能是生乳中孢子污染的重要来源。



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