首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >The Effect of Subclinical Ketosis in Early Lactation on Reproductive Performance of Postpartum Dairy Cows

The Effect of Subclinical Ketosis in Early Lactation on Reproductive Performance of Postpartum Dairy Cows


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Data generated from 796 Holstein cows enrolled in a clinical trial to investigate the health effect of a mo-nensin controlled release capsule were analyzed to investigate the association between circulating serum β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentration in the peri-parturient period and subsequent reproductive performance. Overall, accounting for both repeated measures within cow and clustering at the herd level, non-pregnant cows after first insemination tended to have increased circulating BHBA concentrations from 3 wk before calving to 9 wk after calving relative to pregnant cows. Including the interaction between the week of sample collection and pregnancy outcome, non-pregnant cows had higher circulating BHBA concentrations in the second week after calving than cows diagnosed pregnant after first artificial insemination. Within individual weeks, cows with circulating BHBA concentrations ≥1,000 μmol/L in the first week postpartum were less likely to be diagnosed pregnant after first insemination. In the second week postpartum, the cows with circulating BHBA concentrations ≥1,400 μmol/L were significantly less likely to be pregnant after first artificial insemination. A dose response relationship was found when a comparison of the probability of pregnancy after first insemination and duration of elevated circulating ketone bodies was investigated. The probability of pregnancy was reduced by 20% in cows diagnosed subclinically ketotic in either the first or second week postpartum. Nevertheless, cows above the sub-clinical ketosis threshold in both the first and second week postpartum were 50% less likely to be pregnant after first insemination. Similarly, the median time to pregnancy increased in cows experiencing elevated BHBA concentrations in either (124 d) or both (130 d) the first and second week postpartum relative to cows never experiencing elevated BHBA concentrations (108 d). To further investigate this, the effect of elevated circulating BHBA was permitted to vary with time. The effect decreased with time, such that the daily probability of pregnancy increased similar to nonsubclinically ketotic cows by approximately 160 d in milk. From this analysis, both the relative circulating concentration of BHBA and the duration of elevated circulating BHBA were negatively associated with the probability of pregnancy at first service.
机译:从参与一项临床试验以研究莫能菌素控释胶囊对健康的影响的796头荷斯坦奶牛产生的数据进行了分析,以研究围产期的循环血清β-羟基丁酸(BHBA)浓度与随后的生殖性能之间的关系。总体而言,考虑到奶牛内的重复测量和在畜群水平上的集群,首次授精后未怀孕的奶牛的循环BHBA浓度往往从产犊前的3 wk增加到产犊后的9 wk。包括样本收集周与妊娠结局之间的相互作用,未怀孕的母牛在产犊后第二周的循环BHBA浓度高于第一次人工授精后诊断为怀孕的母牛。在单个星期内,产后第一周循环BHBA浓度≥1,000μmol/ L的母牛在首次授精后不太可能被诊断为怀孕。产后第二周,循环BHBA浓度≥1,400μmol/ L的母牛在第一次人工授精后怀孕的可能性大大降低。当比较首次授精后怀孕的可能性和循环酮体升高的持续时间时,发现了剂量反应关系。在产后第一周或第二周被诊断为亚临床酮症的母牛,怀孕的可能性降低了20%。尽管如此,在第一次授精后,在产后第一周和第二周超过亚临床酮症阈值的母牛怀孕的可能性要低50%。同样,相对于从未经历过BHBA浓度升高的母牛(108 d),在产后第一周和第二周(124 d)或同时(130 d)经历BHBA浓度升高的母牛的中位妊娠时间增加。为了对此进行进一步研究,允许循环血BHBA升高的影响随时间变化。随着时间的流逝,这种影响降低,因此,与非亚临床酮症奶牛相比,牛奶中的每日妊娠概率增加了约160 d。从该分析中,BHBA的相对循环浓度和循环BHBA升高的持续时间均与首次服务时怀孕的可能性呈负相关。



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