首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift fur kulturtechnik und landentwicklung >Desertif ikation bekaempfen - Armut mindern - Neue Handlungs-ansaetze bei der Umsetzung der CCD in Lateinamerika

Desertif ikation bekaempfen - Armut mindern - Neue Handlungs-ansaetze bei der Umsetzung der CCD in Lateinamerika


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A growing world-population, poverty, hunger, the degradation of natural resources, wars and armed conflicts: at the start of the new millennium the major challenges for the world-community continue and require immense efforts to face them. Single countries and national governments have often failed to solve upcoming problems; thus, new partnerships have to be established, linking governments and civil societies, public and private institutions as well as North and South in order to provide adequate and appropriate solutions. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) follows such principles based on mutual cooperation and assistance. Since the CCD does not only focus on environmental but also on social and economic aspects of land degradation, such as poverty relief, the document is more considered a development convention and not only just another plan for environmental conservation. Providing comprehensive and suitable answers to ecological, social and economic questions, it truly has the potential to progress in the sustainable management of natural resources. Implementing the CCD therefore imposes on all participants the task to deepen existing cooperation, to search for new partnerships and to identify more innovative solutions to the challenges of the coming century.
机译:世界人口的增长,贫困,饥饿,自然资源的退化,战争和武装冲突:在新千年之初,世界共同体的主要挑战仍在继续,需要作出巨大努力来应对。单个国家和国家政府往往未能解决即将到来的问题;因此,必须建立新的伙伴关系,将政府与民间社会,公共和私人机构以及北方和南方联系起来,以便提供适当的解决方案。 《联合国防治荒漠化公约》(UNCCD)遵循这种基于相互合作与协助的原则。由于《公约》不仅关注环境问题,而且关注土地退化的社会和经济方面,例如扶贫,因此该文件被视为一项发展公约,而不仅仅是另一项环境保护计划。它为生态,社会和经济问题提供了全面,适当的答案,确实具有在可持续管理自然资源方面取得进步的潜力。因此,实施《防治荒漠化公约》将所有参加者的任务加深了现有的合作,寻求新的伙伴关系,并为迎接新世纪的挑战找到了更具创新性的解决方案。



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