首页> 外文期刊>Journal for Cultural Research >MADDness and Psychoanalysis in the Space of Literature: The Sopranos

MADDness and Psychoanalysis in the Space of Literature: The Sopranos


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A new notion of literature unfolds by way of MADDness and psychoanalysis in the Sopranos. “Down Neck” is one episode of a television series whose “novelistic” literary format that is “akin to Shakespeare” is often owed to the “ambiguous morality” of the main protagonist as well as the narrative more broadly. This article alternatively emphasises The Sopranos' creator and screenwriter David Chase's scripting of moral ambiguity through assembling an ambiguous status of epistemological truth(s). Within MADDness David Chase or artistic production is a mode of Carrollean literary criticism. Chase offers literary criticism literally, in a manner in which literary theory can be increasingly generated only through literature itself or, can only be self-generated. Psychoanalysis regains its literary element in an era of MADDness. Psychoanalysis in the space of literature takes the form of a psychoanalysis-on-its-own-terms in The Sopranos.
机译:在女高音时代,通过MADDness和精神分析的方式出现了新的文学观念。 “下脖子”是电视连续剧的一集,其“新颖”文学形式“类似于莎士比亚”通常是由于主要主人公的“模棱两可的道德”以及更广泛的叙述。本文还强调了女高音的创造者和编剧戴维·蔡斯(David Chase)通过组装认识论真理的模棱两可的状态来写出道德歧义的脚本。在MADDness中,大卫·蔡斯(David Chase)或艺术作品是卡罗尔文学批评的一种模式。蔡斯从字面上提出了文学批评,其方式是文学理论只能通过文学本身来产生,或者只能是自我产生。精神分析在MADDness时代重新获得其文学元素。文学空间中的精神分析采取了《女高音》中术语自身的精神分析的形式。



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