首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crystal Growth >Crystallogenesis studies of proteins in agarose gel―mbined effect of high hydrostatic pressure and pH

Crystallogenesis studies of proteins in agarose gel―mbined effect of high hydrostatic pressure and pH


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The combined effect of both pressure and pH on the crystallization in agarose gel of thaumatin (0.1-230 MPa and pH 5.7-8.0) and the lysozymes from turkey (0.1-100 MPa and pH 4.0-6.0) and hen egg-white (0.1-75 MPa and pH 4.0-6.0) was investigated. For each condition, crystal morphology was examined and four crystal growth parameters determined (crystal number as a measure of nucleation, solubility, supersaturation and pressure-induced volume changes of crystallization). Comparison of data reveals a different crystallization behavior of thaumatin and the two lysozymes. First, thaumatin is more pressure tolerant in agarose gel than the lysozymes, with crystals growing up to 230 MPa for the former and only up to 75/100 MPa for the latter. Second, while an increase in pressure and pH increases nucleation of thaumatin crystals and decreases their solubility, one observes an inverse effect with the two lysozymes. Here, an increase in pressure but a decrease in pH increases nucleation and solubility. Third, pH influences the pressure-induced volume changes of crystallization, the strongest pH-dependence being found for turkey lysozyme. However, the volume changes are negative for thaumatin and positive for both lysozymes. These volume changes are correlated with solubility changes and are explained by pH- and pressure-induced alterations of the conformation of the three proteins, including their solvation shells.
机译:压力和pH值对琼脂糖凝胶(0.1-230 MPa和pH 5.7-8.0)和来自土耳其的溶菌酶(0.1-100 MPa和pH 4.0-6.0)和蛋清(0.1)的溶菌酶的联合作用研究了-75 MPa和pH 4.0-6.0)。对于每种条件,检查晶体形态并确定四个晶体生长参数(晶体数量作为成核,溶解度,过饱和度和压力导致的结晶体积变化的量度)。数据比较显示索马甜和两种溶菌酶的结晶行为不同。首先,奇异果甜蛋白在琼脂糖凝胶中的耐压性比溶菌酶高,前者的晶体生长高达230 MPa,后者的晶体生长高达75/100 MPa。第二,虽然压力和pH值的增加会增加thaumatin晶体的成核作用并降低其溶解度,但人们观察到两种溶菌酶的作用相反。在此,压力增加但pH降低会增加成核作用和溶解度。第三,pH影响压力诱导的结晶体积变化,其中火鸡溶菌酶的pH依赖性最强。但是,对于thaumatin来说,体积变化是负的,对于两种溶菌酶来说,体积的变化都是正的。这些体积变化与溶解度变化相关,并通过pH和压力诱导的三种蛋白质(包括其溶剂化壳)构象的改变来解释。



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