首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crystal Growth >Condensation and flowing of silver-copper alloys in a solid-liquid domain of the phae diagram

Condensation and flowing of silver-copper alloys in a solid-liquid domain of the phae diagram


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Silver-coppoer alloys with a compositon entering a liquid-solid domainof the phase diagram are condensed on a tilted molybedeunum substrate, regulate din temparuatre. Before the film regime, driplets of condensation contain nodular crsytals, most of which are in contact with the substate. A hetrogeneous nucleaiton of the solid on the subsrate is assuemd. The film formsl more quickly in the liquid-solid areas han in the lqiuid domains, which indices that teh crystls may cosnitute pinning points for the droplets. Moreover, the film/droples boundary spreads in concordance with the isoconcentation curves, i.e. the solid fracion governs the time of the film formation. A correlation between the condensate thickness and the lcoal solid fraciton t the transition between tilm and droplets is given. At last, in the film areas, the gravity-dependent effect plays an important role. in case of the silver-rich condensate, the solidphae id expected to be more easily driven by the liquid flow.



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