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Possible burst-like facet growth mode at high temperatures


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A decade ago, a burst-like growth mode of c-facets of ~4He crystals growing at mK temperatures, characterized by the alternation of time intervals during which the facet does not advance with the intervals of its fast advancement, was found [J.P. Ruutu, P.J. Hakonen, A.V. Babkin, A.Y. Parshin, J.S. Penttila, J.P. Saramaki, G. Tvalashvili, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 4187]. We investigate the possibility that a similar facet growth mode exists for facets at high growth temperatures. We have applied the digital laser interferometry for monitoring facet kinetics of spherical copper selenide single crystals during their growth at constant volume growth rate around 800 K. Our analysis of directly measured (111) facet advancement curves has revealed that they consist of time intervals during which the facet does not advance vertically alternating with the time intervals of enhanced growth, resembling the burst-like facet growth mode. The results are discussed in terms of the enhancement of the local supersaturation induced by the existence of nucleation barrier.
机译:十年前,发现了在mK温度下生长的〜4He晶体c面的突状生长模式,其特征是时间间隔交替变化,在该时间间隔中,小面不随其快速前进的间隔前进。 Ruutu,P.J. Hakonen,A.V.巴布金J.S. Parshin Penttila,J.P。Saramaki,G.Tvalashvili,物理学牧师76(1996)4187]。我们调查了在高生长温度下存在类似的刻面生长模式的可能性。我们已应用数字激光干涉仪监测球形硒化铜单晶在800 K附近以恒定体积生长的生长过程中的刻面动力学。我们对直接测量的(111)刻面前进曲线的分析表明,它们由时间间隔组成,其中刻面不会以增长的时间间隔垂直交替前进,类似于爆发式刻面生长模式。根据成核屏障的存在引起的局部过饱和的增强讨论了结果。



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