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Hearsay Evidence and the Demise of Absolute Rules


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The applicant, Seton, was tried and convicted of murder in 2008 for a shooting that occurred in 2006. The gunman was not identified at the scene but witnesses reported that a person of the applicant's general description drove off in a silver Vauxhall Vectra motor vehicle. Hours later, a similar vehicle was set alight a short distance from the scene of the shooting. The applicant had purchased the vehicle on the day of the shooting. The applicant and the victim knew each other and were involved in significant drug dealing. Circumstantial evidence linked the applicant to the scene of the shooting and the scene of the vehicle's destruction.
机译:申请人Seton因在2006年发生的枪击事件而在2008年被审判并被判犯有谋杀罪。枪手没有在现场被发现,但目击者报告说,申请人的一般性描述的人开着一辆Vauxhall Vectra银色汽车。数小时后,一辆类似的车辆在射击现场附近被点燃。申请人在拍摄当天购买了车辆。申请人和受害人彼此了解,并参与了重大的毒品交易。间接证据将申请人与枪击现场和车辆毁坏现场联系在一起。



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