首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis >Analytic summability of real and complex functions

Analytic summability of real and complex functions


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Gamma-type functions satisfying the functional equation f(x+1) = g(x)f(x) and limit summability of real and complex functions were introduced by Webster (1997) and Hooshmand (2001). However, some important special functions are not limit summable, and so other types of such summability are needed. In this paper, by using Bernoulli numbers and polynomials B (n)(z), we define the notions of analytic summability and analytic summand function of complex or real functions, and prove several criteria for analytic summability of holomorphic functions on an open domain D. As consequences of our results, we give some criteria for absolute convergence of the functional series Finally, we state some open problems.
机译:Webster(1997)和Hooshmand(2001)引入了满足函数方程f(x + 1)= g(x)f(x)的伽马类型函数,并限制了实函数和复函数的极限可加性。但是,一些重要的特殊功能不是可加和的,因此需要其他类型的可加和。在本文中,通过使用伯努利数和多项式B(n)(z)​​,我们定义了解析求和性和复或实函数的解析求和函数的概念,并证明了在开放域D上全纯函数的解析求和性的几个标准作为结果的结果,我们给出了功能序列绝对收敛的一些标准最后,我们提出了一些未解决的问题。



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