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France's Mediterranean Policy: Between Myths and Strategy


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Since the beginning of the nineteenth century and Napoleon Bonaparte's conquest of Egypt, France has tended to maintain a complex relationship with countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. In this context, fascination, admiration for the culture, but also sufficiency and search for power and domination go hand-in-hand. From the imposition of its presence by force, either through colonisation, protectorates or military adventures, France has seen her policy/policies towards the region shift to more intricate strategies, the ultimate aim of which being its desire to retain a lasting link, meant to remain an 'exceptional' one. In this article, the author attempts to examine these strategies and the dynamics behind them-strategies that are often looked at as being a mixture of absolute sincerity and political cynicism. Obviously, this also includes the Union for the Mediterranean, France's initiative that President Nicolas Sarkozy put forward.
机译:自19世纪初和拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoleon Bonaparte)征服埃及以来,法国一直倾向于与地中海南岸国家保持复杂的关系。在这种背景下,对文化的迷恋,钦佩,以及对权力和统治的自足与追求是齐头并进的。从通过殖民,保护国或军事冒险强行派兵进驻法国,法国已看到其对该地区的政策转向更复杂的战略,其最终目的是希望保持持久的联系,这意味着保持“例外”状态。在本文中,作者试图研究这些策略及其背后的动力,这些策略通常被视为绝对的诚意与政治冷嘲热讽的混合物。显然,这也包括总统尼古拉·萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)提出的法国倡议地中海联盟。



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