首页> 外文期刊>Journal of contemporary European studies >The Making of the German Post-War Economy. Political Communication and Public Reception of the Social Market Economy after World War Two

The Making of the German Post-War Economy. Political Communication and Public Reception of the Social Market Economy after World War Two


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Some publishers of academic books have a lot to answer for. This book by Christian Glossner is a case in point. The first and simple reason for saying this is that the quality of the written English is so deficient that one can only conclude that no-one at I. B. Tauris actually read the manuscript and that the copy-editing was virtually non-existent. External examiners of doctoral theses by non-native writers of English might turn a generous blind eye to stylistic stodginess, grammatical and syntactical glitches and even the odd mistake in translations from German, but this volume is being marketed at £59.50 and, for this, the reader deserves better.
机译:一些学术书籍的出版商有很多需要回答的问题。 Christian Glossner的这本书就是一个很好的例子。这么说的第一个简单原因是,英语的书面质量太低,以至于只能得出结论,I。B. Tauris没有人真正阅读过手稿,并且实际上根本不存在复制编辑。非母语英语作者的博士论文外部审查员可能对文体风格,语法和句法故障甚至德语翻译中的奇数错误视若无睹,但该书的市场售价为59.50英镑,为此,读者应该得到更好的。



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