首页> 外文期刊>Journal of contemporary European studies >Europe's Destiny: The Old Lady and the Bull

Europe's Destiny: The Old Lady and the Bull


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Europe's Destiny is a comprehensive investigation of the current world arena that the European Union and its collective member states reside in today. Marjan has written a book full of imagery and metaphor as well as being replete with examples of the many challenges the Union must navigate if it wishes to remain relevant well into this still adolescent, yet, already complex century. The volume is, in essence, a summation of just where Europe stands, both in the guise of the continent as a whole and the Union specifically. Currently, Marjan argues, 'Europe finds itself at a crossroads' (p. 4) with difficult choices to make, chief amongst which is just what 'viable model' to follow if it is to retain its position in the world and to 'overcome its internal economic and social difficulties' (p. 5). In order to accomplish this exploration, the somewhat cliched metaphor of an onion is used to analyse and 'peel off Europe's challenges at three broad levels, roughly outlined as: global (the 'external layer'); pan-European (the 'intermediate layer'); and EU/institutional specific (the 'internal layer').
机译:欧洲的命运是对欧盟及其成员国今天居住的当前世界舞台的全面调查。玛莉安(Marjan)写了一本书,书中充斥着各种意象和隐喻,并举例说明了国际电联如果希望与这个青春期仍然十分复杂的世纪保持密切相关,就必须应对许多挑战。从本质上讲,这本书是欧洲所处位置的总和,既以整个非洲大陆为代表,也以欧洲联盟为幌子。 Marjan认为,目前,“欧洲处于艰难抉择的十字路口”(第4页),其中最主要的就是要保持其在世界上的地位并“克服”的“可行模式”。其内部的经济和社会困难”(第5页)。为了完成这一探索,使用了一个略带上升趋势的洋葱隐喻来分析和“剥夺”欧洲在三个大致层面上的挑战,大致概括为:全球(“外部层”);泛欧洲(“中间层”);以及欧盟/机构的特定要求(“内部层”)。



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