首页> 外文期刊>Journal of contemporary European studies >The Rising Public Debt in the EU: Implications for Policy

The Rising Public Debt in the EU: Implications for Policy


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The current financial and economic crisis is of unprecedented proportions and intensity. Given the piecemeal approach of the EU institutions to economic policy, their reaction to the mounting crisis has been slow and hesitant. The much feared financial meltdown in the E. U. has been avoided. However this came at the cost of increasing pressure on public finances in most member states, leading to a public debt crisis in a number of them. Financial liberalization and the lagging financial policy reform exacerbated such pressure, bringing certain member states such as Greece to the verge of default. Even more importantly, the stability of the eurozone appears to be in danger. This has led to an avalanche of new measures, including the newly instituted "European Stabilization Mechanism ", as well as proposals for the adjustment of fiscal policy co-ordination, under the general heading of 'reinforcing economic governance in Europe' as announced by the European Commission in May 2010. So, what next? Past experience confirms that a financial crisis is usually followed by a sovereign debt crisis. Is this what is happening in the EU? With what social and economic implications? Further, what are the implications of rising sovereign debt for economic policy? These are some of the questions we discuss in the present article. In particular, we examine (ⅰ) the concept of the sovereign debt and its relevance to the EU and to the eurozone; (ⅱ) the historical experience of crises; (ⅲ) the response of the EU to the current crisis and (ⅳ) the prospects for policy.
机译:当前的金融和经济危机具有空前的规模和强度。考虑到欧盟机构对经济政策采取零星的态度,他们对日益加剧的危机的反应是缓慢而犹豫的。避免了欧盟令人担忧的金融危机。但是,这是以增加大多数成员国公共财政压力为代价的,从而导致许多国家发生公共债务危机。金融自由化和落后的金融政策改革加剧了这种压力,使希腊等某些成员国处于违约边缘。更重要的是,欧元区的稳定似乎处于危险之中。这导致了新措施的大量涌现,包括新成立的“欧洲稳定机制”,以及调整财政政策协调的提案,这些措施的总体标题为“加强欧洲的经济治理”,正如欧盟宣布的那样。欧盟委员会于2010年5月。那么,下一步呢?过去的经验证实,金融危机通常会伴随主权债务危机。这是欧盟正在发生的事情吗?对社会和经济有何影响?此外,主权债务上升对经济政策的影响是什么?这些是我们在本文中讨论的一些问题。特别是,我们研究(the)主权债务的概念及其与欧盟和欧元区的关系; (ⅱ)危机的历史经验; (ⅲ)欧盟对当前危机的反应以及(ⅳ)政策前景。



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