首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Consumer Marketing >Interactive effect of consumer affinity and consumer ethnocentrism on product trust and willingness-to-buy: a moderated-mediation model

Interactive effect of consumer affinity and consumer ethnocentrism on product trust and willingness-to-buy: a moderated-mediation model


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Purpose - This study aims to clarify the relationship between two plausible conflicting attitudes in cross-cultural context-consumer affinity and consumer ethnocentrism (CET) and to explore their interactive effect on product trust and willingness-to-buy. Design/methodology/approach - A total of 392 usable responses were obtained. Previously validated scales of consumer affinity, CET, product trust and willingness-to-buy were used and showed good reliability. Hierarchical multiple regression and the bootstrapping method were conducted to test the hypotheses. Findings - This study revealed that consumer affinity is positively associated with product trust, which in turn promotes consumers' intention to buy products from the affinity country; CET moderates the relationship between consumer affinity and product trust; and CET also moderates the mediating effect of product trust on the relationship between consumer affinity and willingness-to-buy. Research limitations/implications - First, this study helps to explain how consumer affinity boosts willingness-to-buy, and it reveals the type of consumers whose product trust is most notably influenced by their level of ethnocentrism. Second, this study examines the moderating effects of CET on the relationship between consumer affinity and product trust which can help to identify the situations in which consumer affinity influences product trust most strongly. Third, this study examined the interactive effect of consumer affinity and CET on product trust and its subsequent effect on willingness-to-buy. The findings help to explain the CET's critical role in the effect of consumer affinity by relating it to the literature of product trust and willingness-to-buy. Practical implications - Given the crucial role that consumer affinity plays in improving consumers' trust in and buying intention for a country's products, governments, multinational enterprises and international marketers should strategically construct, maintain and magnify a positive national image to the world. This study's results also clarify that consumer affinity does not conflict with CET; not only can they coexist but also they are positively related. The crucial implication is that CET is not always a barrier to purchasing foreign products. Originality/value - Although research interest in consumer attitudinal conflict issues is increasing, the real relationship and interactive effects of plausible conflicting attitudes between consumer affinity and CET remain to be understood. This study bridges a gap between CET and willingness-to-buy by considering the boundary conditions of consumer attitudes toward a specific country (inherent in consumer affinity). Furthermore, this study is, to the best of the author's knowledge, the first to link consumer affinity with willingness-to-buy through the mediating effect of product trust. These findings are helpful for understanding how consumer affinity positively effects willingness-to-buy.
机译:目的-这项研究旨在阐明跨文化背景下的两种可能的冲突态度之间的关系,即消费者亲和力和消费者民族中心主义(CET),并探讨它们对产品信任和购买意愿的互动影响。设计/方法/方法-总共获得392个可用响应。使用先前验证的消费者亲和力,CET,产品信任度和购买意愿量表,它们显示出良好的可靠性。进行了层次多元回归和自举法来检验假设。调查结果-这项研究表明,消费者的亲和力与产品信任度正相关,反过来又促进了消费者从亲和力国家购买产品的意愿; CET缓和了消费者亲和力与产品信任度之间的关系; CET还缓和了产品信任对消费者亲和力和购买意愿之间关系的中介作用。研究的局限性/意义-首先,这项研究有助于说明消费者的亲和力如何提高购买意愿,并且揭示了消费者对产品信任程度受种族中心主义程度影响最明显的类型。其次,本研究考察了CET对消费者亲和力与产品信任度之间关系的调节作用,这有助于确定消费者亲和力对产品信任度影响最大的情况。第三,本研究考察了消费者亲和力和CET对产品信任的交互作用及其对购买意愿的后续影响。研究结果通过将CET与产品信任度和购买意愿相关联,从而解释了CET在消费者亲和力影响中的关键作用。实际意义-考虑到消费者亲和力在提高消费者对一国产品的信任和购买意愿方面起着至关重要的作用,各国政府,跨国企业和国际市场商应从战略上构建,维持和扩大对世界的积极的国家形象。这项研究的结果还表明,消费者的亲和力与CET并不冲突。它们不仅可以共存,而且也正相关。关键的含义是,CET并不总是成为购买外国产品的障碍。独创性/价值-尽管对消费者态度冲突问题的研究兴趣正在增长,但消费者亲和力与CET之间可能存在的冲突态度之间的真实关系和互动效果仍有待了解。这项研究通过考虑消费者对特定国家的态度的边界条件(消费者亲和力固有的)来弥合CET和购买意愿之间的差距。此外,据作者所知,该研究是第一个通过产品信任的中介作用将消费者的亲和力与购买意愿联系起来的研究。这些发现有助于理解消费者的亲和力如何积极影响购买意愿。



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