首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Comparative Physiology B >A new method to measure intestinal activity of P-glycoprotein in avian and mammalian species

A new method to measure intestinal activity of P-glycoprotein in avian and mammalian species


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Permeability-glycoprotein (Pgp) actively exports numerous potentially toxic compounds once they diffuse into the cell membrane of intestinal epithelial cells. We adapted the everted sleeve technique to make the first measures of intestinal Pgp function in an avian species (chicken) and in wild mammalian species, and compared them to laboratory rats. Tissues maintained both structural and functional integrity, and our method offers advantages over other in vitro techniques by using smaller intestinal sections (1 cm), and shorter incubation times (8–12 min). To determine Pgp function, we compared accumulation of [3H]-digoxin in sleeves incubated in Ringer solution with and without a transport-saturating concentration of a competitive inhibitor, cyclosporin A. We demonstrated significant variation in Pgp activity within individuals along the intestine, between populations fed different diets, and between species (laboratory rats had one-third to one-fifth the Pgp activity of wild rodents). In chicken, we also tested the effect of natural metabolites on digoxin accumulation. We found that among flavonoids, genistein (200 μM), found in soy and other legumes, but not quercetin (10, 30, 100, 330 μM) or the 3-β-glycoside isoquercetrin (100 μM), significantly increased digoxin accumulation. Among fungal metabolites, sterigmatocystin (5 μM), but not aflatoxin B1 (5 μM), significantly increased digoxin accumulation.
机译:渗透性糖蛋白(Pgp)一旦扩散到肠上皮细胞的细胞膜中,就会主动输出许多潜在的有毒化合物。我们采用了翻盖套筒技术,以对禽类(鸡)和野生哺乳动物中的肠道Pgp功能进行了首次测量,并将它们与实验室大鼠进行了比较。组织保持结构和功能的完整性,我们的方法通过使用较小的肠段(1厘米)和较短的孵育时间(8至12分钟),提供了优于其他体外技术的优势。为了确定Pgp功能,我们比较了[3 H]-地高辛在林格氏液中温育的套管中积累和不存在饱和运输竞争性抑制剂环孢菌素A的积累。我们证明了个体中Pgp活性的显着变化沿肠道,在不同饮食条件下的种群之间以及在物种之间(实验室老鼠的野生鼠的Pgp活性为三分之一至五分之一)。在鸡中,我们还测试了天然代谢产物对地高辛积累的影响。我们发现在黄酮类化合物中,大豆和其他豆类中发现了染料木黄酮(200μM),而槲皮素(10、30、100、330μM)或3-β-糖苷异槲皮素(100μM)没有,大大增加了地高辛的积累。在真菌代谢产物中,角膜藻毒素(5μM)而非黄曲霉毒素B1(5μM)显着增加了地高辛的积累。



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