首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience >Endogenously Generated and Visually Guided Saccades after Lesions of the Human Frontal Eye Fields

Endogenously Generated and Visually Guided Saccades after Lesions of the Human Frontal Eye Fields


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Nine patients with chronic, unilateral lesions of the dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex including the frontal eye fields (FEF) made saccades toward contralesional and ipsilesional fields. The saccades were either voluntarily directed in response to arrows in the center of a visual display, or were reflexively summoned by a peripheral visual signal. Saccade latencies were compared to those made by seven neurologic control patients with chronic, unilateral lesions of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex sparing the FEF, and by 13 normal control subjects. In both the normal and neurologic control subjects, reflexive saccades had shorter Latencies than voluntary saccades. In the FEF lesion patients, voluntary saccades had longer latencies toward the contralesional field than toward the ipsilesional field. The opposite pattern was found for reflexive saccades: latencies of saccades to targets in the contralesional field were shorter than saccades summoned to ipsilesional targets. Reflexive saccades toward the ipsilesional field had abnormally prolonged latencies; they were comparable to the latencies observed for voluntary Saccades. The effect of FEF lesions on saccacles contrasted with those observed in a second experiment requiring a key press response: FEF lesion patients were slower in making key press responses to signals detected in the contralesional field. To assess covert attention and preparatory set the effects of precues providing advance information were measured in both saccade and key press experiments. Neither patient group showed any deficiency in using precues to shift attention or to prepare saccades. The FEF facilitates the generation of voluntary saccatles and also inhibits reflexive saccades to exogenous signals. FEF lesions may disinhibit the ipsilesional midbrain which in turn may inhibit the opposite colliculus to slow reflexive saccades toward the ipsilesional field.
机译:九名患有慢性单侧病变的前额背外侧皮质的患者,包括额叶视野(FEF),朝着对侧和同侧的视野扫视。扫视镜要么根据视觉显示中心的箭头自动定向,要么由周围的视觉信号反射召唤。将扫视潜伏期与7例患有慢性,单侧背外侧前额叶皮层病变且保留FEF的神经控制患者以及13例正常对照者的潜伏期进行了比较。在正常和神经控制受试者中,自反性扫视的潜伏期都比自愿性扫视的潜伏期短。在FEF病变患者中,自愿扫视对病灶的潜伏期比对同病灶的潜伏期长。对于反身扫视发现了相反的模式:对视场中扫视与目标的潜伏期比召唤同病目标的扫视的潜伏期短。对同侧视场的反身扫视的潜伏期异常延长。它们与自愿性扫视所观察到的等待时间相当。 FEF病变对囊囊的影响与在第二个需要按键反应的实验中观察到的相反:FEF病变患者对对侧场中检测到的信号做出按键反应的速度较慢。为了评估秘密注意和准备集,在扫视和按键实验中都测量了提供预先信息的提示的效果。两组患者均未显示出任何使用precue转移注意力或准备扫视的缺陷。 FEF促进了自发囊的产生,并且还抑制了对外部信号的自反扫视。 FEF病变可能会抑制同侧中脑,这反过来又可能抑制相对的胶体减慢向同侧视野的自反扫视。



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