首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience >Amnesia and the Declarative/Nondeclarative Distinction: A Recurrent Network Model of Classification, Recognition, and Repetition Priming

Amnesia and the Declarative/Nondeclarative Distinction: A Recurrent Network Model of Classification, Recognition, and Repetition Priming


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A key claim of current theoretical analyses of the memory impairments associated with amnesia is that certain distinct forms of learning and memory are spared. Supporting this claim, B. J. Knowlton and L R. Squire found that amnesic patients and controls were indistinguishable in their ability to learn about and classify strings of letters generated from a finite-state grammar, but that the amnesics were impaired at recognizing the training strings. We show, first, that this pattern of results is predicted by a single-system connectionist model of artificial grammar learning (AGL) in which amnesia is simulated by a reduced learning rate. We then show in two experiments that a counterintuitive assumption of this model, that classification and recognition are functionally identical in AGL, is correct. In three further simulation studies, we demonstrate that the model also reproduces another type of dissociation, namely between recognition memory and repetition priming. We conclude that the performance of amnesic patients in memory tasks is better understood in terms of a nonselective, rather than a selective, memory deficit.
机译:当前关于与健忘症有关的记忆障碍的理论分析的一个主要主张是,可以省去某些独特形式的学习和记忆。支持这一说法的B.J. Knowlton和L.Squire发现,健忘症患者和对照者对有限状态语法生成的字母串的学习和分类能力无可区别,但健忘症在识别训练字符串方面受到了损害。首先,我们表明,这种结果模式是通过人工语法学习(AGL)的单系统连接主义模型预测的,其中通过降低的学习率来模拟健忘症。然后,我们在两个实验中证明该模型的反直觉假设(即分类和识别在AGL中在功能上相同)是正确的。在三项进一步的模拟研究中,我们证明了该模型还再现了另一种类型的分离,即在识别记忆和重复启动之间。我们得出的结论是,健忘症患者在记忆任务方面的表现可以通过非选择性而非记忆不足来更好地理解。



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