首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience >The Effects of Attention on Age-related Relational Memory Deficits: fMRI Evidence from a Novel Attentional Manipulation

The Effects of Attention on Age-related Relational Memory Deficits: fMRI Evidence from a Novel Attentional Manipulation


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Numerous studies have documented that older adults (OAs)ndo not perform as well as young adults (YAs) when task demandsnrequire the establishment or retrieval of a novel linknbetween previously unrelated information (relational memory:nRM). Nonetheless, the source of this age-related RM deficit remainsnunspecified. One of the most widely investigated factorsnis an age-related reduction in attentional resources. To investigatenthis factor, previous researchers have tested whetherndividing YAsʼ attention during encoding equated their RM performancento that of OAs. However, results from these studiesnfailed to replicate the age-related RM impairment observed innaging. The current study investigated whether a reduction innattentional resources for processing of relational informationn(i.e., relational attention) underlies age-related RM deficits.nUsing fMRI, we examined whether the effect of reduced attentionalnresources for processing of relational information isnsimilar to that observed in aging at both behavioral and neuralnlevels. The behavioral results showed that reduced attentionalnresources for relational information during encoding equatednYAs RM performance to that of OAs. Furthermore, the fMRI resultsndemonstrated that both aging, as well as reductions innrelational attention in YAs, significantly reduced activity in brainnareas associated with successful RM formation, namely, the ventrolateralnand dorsolateral PFC, superior and inferior parietal regions,nand left hippocampus. Such converging evidence fromnbehavioral and neuroimaging studies suggests that a reductionnin attentional resources for relational information is a criticalnfactor for the RM deficit observed in aging. ■
机译:大量研究表明,当任务需要在以前不相关的信息之间建立或检索新的链接(关系记忆:nRM)时,老年人(OAs)的表现不如年轻人(YAs)好。尽管如此,这种与年龄有关的RM赤字的来源仍未明确。研究最广泛的因素之一是与年龄有关的注意力资源减少。为了研究这个因素,以前的研究人员测试了在编码过程中将YAs的注意力划分是否等同于RM的RM性能。然而,这些研究的结果未能复制观察到的与年龄相关的RM损伤。当前的研究调查了减少关系信息处理中的无用资源(即关系注意)是否是与年龄相关的RM缺陷的基础。通过功能磁共振成像,我们研究了减少注意资源处理关系信息的效果是否与在年龄老化时观察到的相似。行为和神经元水平。行为结果表明,在编码过程中减少了关系信息的注意资源,使YAs RM性能等同于OAs。此外,fMRI结果表明,衰老以及YAs无关关注的减少均显着降低了与成功形成RM相关的脑部活动,即腹外侧和背外侧PFC,顶上和下顶区,左和海马区。行为和神经影像学研究的这种融合证据表明,用于关系信息的注意力资源的减少是衰老中观察到的RM缺陷的关键因素。 ■



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