首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >Wise managers think about circular economy, wiser report and analyze it. Research of environmental reporting practices in EU manufacturing companies

Wise managers think about circular economy, wiser report and analyze it. Research of environmental reporting practices in EU manufacturing companies


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Today, economic activity is predominantly characterized by a linear transformation of natural resources to production, consumption, and (ultimately) to waste. The Circular Economy (CE) seeks to overcome this by promoting reduction, reuse, recycling, and recovery, but its reflection in the environmental reporting of manufacturing companies remains unclear. By applying neo-institutional theory, we seek to explain how institutional pressures affect environmental reporting from CE perspective. Qualitative content analysis and statistical methods (ANOVA and PCA) were employed to provide original empirical evidence from 226 large manufacturing companies from different industries in the European Union. We found that manufacturing companies, as might be not expected, seek to legitimate their own position and actions by reflecting institutional logics that are centered on normative factors and best practices rather than legislative requirements. We believe this is an important observation particularly for the standard settlers and professional bodies as sustainability reporting guidelines and third-parties assurances may act as facilitators of translating circular business practices into companies' reports. The results obtained can also be applied to corporate decision-making processes regarding creating or redesign of environmental performance measurement and the improvement of external reporting. Practitioners can compare the prevailing profiles of CE environmental reporting in the analyzed companies with the disclosure strategies they are applying. By improving reporting on CE, manufacturing companies can gain more legitimacy among others, shareholders, employees and society as a whole. (c) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:如今,经济活动主要是通过对生产,消费和(最终)浪费的基础性转化。循环经济(CE)寻求通过促进减少,重用,回收和恢复来克服这一点,但其在制造公司的环境报告中的反思尚不清楚。通过应用新制度理论,我们试图解释机构压力如何影响来自CE角度的环境报告。定性内容分析和统计方法(ANOVA和PCA)受雇于来自来自欧盟不同行业的226家大型制造公司的原始实证证据。我们发现制造公司,可能不会预期,通过反映以规范性因素和最佳实践而非立法要求为中心的制度逻辑寻求合法的立场和行动。我们认为这是一个重要的观察,特别是对于标准定居者和专业机构,作为可持续性报告准则和第三方保证可以作为将循环商业行为转化为公司报告的促进者。所获得的结果也可以应用于关于创造或重新设计环境绩效测量和外部报告的改进的企业决策过程。从业者可以比较分析的公司CE环境报告的现行简介,他们正在申请披露策略。通过改进CE的报告,制造公司可以在整体上获得更多的合法性,股东,员工和社会。 (c)2020 elestvier有限公司保留所有权利。



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