首页> 外文期刊>Journal of circuits, systems and computers >Sedimentary dynamics and extensional structuring related to early Cretaceous rifting of Neocomian and Barremian deposits of the interior basin of Gabon

Sedimentary dynamics and extensional structuring related to early Cretaceous rifting of Neocomian and Barremian deposits of the interior basin of Gabon


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Recent field and subsurface data about the early Neocomian N'dombo series and the Neocomian to mid-Barremian Schistes series of the interior basin of Gabon further our understanding of the initial stages of early Cretaceous N40-60°E extensional rifting. The syn-rift series comprise fluvial-lacustrine claystones-sandstones, rare conglomerates, and carbonates. The syn-rift fill begins with braided-stream feldspathic sandstones. These are overlain first by fluvial-lacustrine deposits and then by predominantly lacustrine-palustrine claystones, which are potential petroleum source rocks. The claystones are eroded in part and are capped by the pre-Aptian angular unconformity marking the end of Cretaceous rifting in the interior basin. This change in syn-rift facies and depositional environments reflects a rise in base level in response to accelerated subsidence after the initial stage of rifting. The syn-rift deposits form two fining-upward sequences several 100-1000 m thick.
机译:关于加蓬内陆盆地的新近新世N'dombo系列和新近新世至Barremian Schistes系列的最新野外和地下数据进一步加深了我们对早白垩世N40-60°E伸展裂陷的初始阶段的了解。同步裂谷系列包括河流-湖相粘土岩-砂岩,稀有砾岩和碳酸盐。同裂谷填充始于辫状流长石砂岩。这些首先被河流-湖相沉积物覆盖,然后被主要为湖相-湖相粘土岩覆盖,它们是潜在的石油源岩。粘土被部分侵蚀,并被Apt前角不整合所覆盖,标志着内部盆地白垩纪裂谷的结束。同裂谷相和沉积环境的这种变化反映了裂谷初始阶段后响应于加速沉降的基础水平上升。同裂谷沉积物形成两个向上渐进的层段,其厚度为100-1000 m。



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