首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology >Induction of the CBP transcriptional co-activator early during laryngeal carcinogenesis

Induction of the CBP transcriptional co-activator early during laryngeal carcinogenesis


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Purpose: CREB-binding protein (CBP) is a transcriptional "integrator" that is suspected of contributing to tumorigenesis. This is the first systematic morphologic study evaluating CBP expression in a large series of human laryngeal tissues containing normal epithelium, premalignant lesions (hyperplasia and/or dysplasia), and squamous cell carcinoma. Methods: Immunohistochemical methodology was performed on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections by using a monoclonal anti-CBP antibody. CBP expression was screened and compared in 156 patients with various laryngeal histologic entities. Results: Nuclear expression of CBP was found in 44 out of 91 (48.4%) specimens with normal-appearing epithelium (46.2% weak and only 2.2% moderate positivity), 92 out of 100 (92%) with hyperplastic lesions (56% weak, 36% moderate/strong, and only 8% no positivity), 80 out of 103 (77.7%) with dysplastic lesions (45.6% weak, 32.1% moderate/strong, and 22.3% no positivity), 37 out of 45 (82.2%) with well-differentiated carcinoma (42.2% weak, 40% moderate/strong, and 17.8% no positivity), 31 out of 43 (72.1%) with moderately differentiated carcinoma (32.6% weak, 39.5% moderate/strong, and 27.9% no positivity) and eight out of 12 (66.7%) with poorly differentiated carcinoma (41.7% weak, 25% moderate/strong, and 33.3% no positivity). Statistical analysis and correlation of the intensity of nuclear immunostaining among the various histologic entities revealed statistically significant results. Conclusions: Overexpression of CBP is detected from the very early stages of laryngeal carcinogenesis, suggesting that CBP may play a role in malignant transformation of precancerous laryngeal lesions. It is possible that overexpression of this protein is a prerequisite for the observed p53 upregulation in premalignant lesions, implying an indirect role of CBP in p53-mediated tumorigenic potential.
机译:目的:CREB结合蛋白(CBP)是一种转录“整合子”,被怀疑有助于肿瘤发生。这是第一项系统性形态学研究,评估了一系列人类喉组织中CBP的表达,这些组织包含正常的上皮,恶变前病变(增生和/或发育异常)和鳞状细胞癌。方法:采用单克隆抗CBP抗体对福尔马林固定石蜡包埋的切片进行免疫组织化学方法学。筛选并比较了156例具有各种喉部组织学特征的患者的CBP表达。结果:在91例标本(48.4%)上皮正常的样本中发现CBP的核表达(48.4%)(弱46.2%,中度阳性为2.2%),在100例标本(92%)的增生性病变中发现CBP(弱56%) ,36%的中度/强度和无阳性率仅为8%),103例增生性增生病(103.7%),弱化性病变(45.6%,32.1%的中度/强度和22.3%无阳性),45分之37(82.2)高分化癌(弱42.2%,中/强40%,无阳性17.8%)中的43个(72.1%)中分化癌(弱32.6%,中/强39.5%27.9) %无阳性)和低分化癌的12分之八(66.7%)(弱阳性41.7%,中/强25%,无阳性33.3%)。统计分析和各种组织学实体之间的核免疫染色强度的相关性显示统计学上显着的结果。结论:从喉癌发生的早期就检测到了CBP的过表达,这表明CBP可能在癌前喉病变的恶性转化中起作用。该蛋白的过表达可能是在恶性前病变中观察到的p53上调的先决条件,这暗示CBP在p53介导的致瘤潜力中具有间接作用。



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