首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Research >Triple acculturation: The role of African Americans in the consumer acculturation of Kenyan immigrants

Triple acculturation: The role of African Americans in the consumer acculturation of Kenyan immigrants


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The role of a subcultural group in the consumer acculturation of Kenyan immigrants is examined. Our findings demonstrate that particular immigrant consumer behaviors are influenced by triple acculturation forces: dominant; subcultural and original culture. We find that immigrants do not arrive in the United States aware of their need to acculturate to a subcultural group. Critical incidents alert the immigrants of the need to acculturate to the African American subculture in order to fulfill some basic consumer goals such as accessing hair care, nightclub entertainment and church services. Progressively, immigrants begin to incorporate triple acculturation forces in their consumer decision making. The immigrants learn to be innovative as well as to engage in satisficing as they navigate the new consumption environment. This research contributes to acculturation studies by extending the models of Berry (Berry JW. Acculturation as varieties of adaptation. In: Padilla AM, editor. Acculturation: theory, model and some new findings, Boulder, CO: Westview Press; 1980. pp. 9-25) as well as Penaloza (Penaloza L. Altravesando Fronteras/ Border Crossings: a critical ethnographic exploration of the consumer acculturation of Mexican immigrants. J Consum Res 1994;2:32-54[June]) by incorporating the role of a subcultural group in this process.
机译:研究了亚文化群体在肯尼亚移民的消费者适应中的作用。我们的研究结果表明,特定的移民消费者行为受到三重文化力量的影响:显性;显性。亚文化和原始文化。我们发现,移民并没有意识到他们需要适应一个亚文化群体而到达美国。重大事件提醒移民,必须适应非裔美国亚文化,以实现一些基本的消费目标,例如获得护发,夜总会娱乐和教堂服务。逐渐地,移民开始在他们的消费者决策中加入三重适应力。在新的消费环境中,移民学会了创新以及参与满足感。这项研究通过扩展Berry的模型(Berry JW。Acculturation作为适应性变体。)对适应性研究做出了贡献。在:Padilla AM,编辑中。Acculturation:理论,模型和一些新发现,Boulder,CO:Westview Press; 1980年。 9-25)和Penaloza(Penaloza L. Altravesando Fronteras /边境过境:对墨西哥移民的消费者适应的重要民族志研究。JConsum Res 1994; 2:32-54 [Jun]),其中包括亚文化群体在这一过程中。



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