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Advancing Understanding of Acculturation for Adolescents of Asian Immigrants: Person-Oriented Analysis of Acculturation Strategy among Korean American Youth




Acculturation strategy, a significant predictor of immigrant adaptation, has been understudied with Asian Americans, in particular, Asian American youth. Using person-oriented latent profile analysis, this study identified acculturation strategies among Korean American early adolescents living in the Midwest. Two-hundred ninety one families were interviewed in 2007 that included 220 youth (mean age = 13, 47.7% female), along with 272 mothers and 164 fathers (N=656). They were re-interviewed in 2008 (N=588). The study found three distinct acculturation strategies: separation (11.8%, n=26), integrated bicultural (66.9%, n=150), and modest bicultural (21.3%, n=44). Integrated bicultural youth reported the strongest sense of ethnic identity and the most favorable characteristics, providing empirical support for the benefit of biculturalism. The findings further suggest that separation may not be as detrimental as previously thought, and modest bicultural—biculturalism that is not fully developed—may in fact be less desirable among Korean American youth.
机译:适应策略是移民适应的重要预测因素,但对于亚裔美国人,特别是亚裔青年,却没有进行研究。使用以人为本的潜在特征分析,本研究确定了生活在中西部的韩裔美国人早期青少年的适应策略。 2007年,对291个家庭进行了采访,其中包括220个青年(平均年龄= 13,女性47.7%),以及272个母亲和164个父亲(N = 656)。他们在2008年接受了重新采访(N = 588)。该研究发现了三种不同的适应策略:分离(11.8%,n = 26),综合双文化(66.9%,n = 150)和适度的双文化(21.3%,n = 44)。综合的双文化青年报告了最强烈的种族认同感和最有利的特征,为双文化主义的利益提供了经验支持。研究结果进一步表明,分离可能不会像以前所认为的那样有害,而适度的双文化-未充分发展的双文化主义-实际上在韩裔青年中可能不那么受欢迎。



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