首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >Was the Global Settlement Effective in Mitigating Systematic Bias in Affiliated Analyst Recommendations?

Was the Global Settlement Effective in Mitigating Systematic Bias in Affiliated Analyst Recommendations?


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Regulators have recently relaxed some provisions of the Global Research Analyst Settlement of 2003 (the "Global Settlement") and associated reforms, which arose from charges that conflicts of interest within investment banks had induced the issuance of fraudulent or otherwise misleading analyst research reports. We examine the effectiveness of the Global Settlement in reducing the systematic optimism observed in stock recommendations of analysts whose employer is a merger and acquisition ("M&A") advisor for the covered firm ("affiliated analysts"), by comparing the optimism exhibited in stock recommendations issued by these analysts and by unaffiliated analysts before and after the Global Settlement. To control for the impact on analyst optimism of other time varying factors, our sample includes cases from the US and from other countries in which the Global Settlement had no direct impact. We argue that if the Global Settlement was effective, there should be a reduction in the relative optimism of affiliated analysts following this reform, and that reduction in the relative optimism should be greater for affiliated US analysts, than for affiliated analysts from non-US countries. When optimism is measured over a 180-day period surrounding the M&A announcement, we find a significantly greater reduction in US affiliated analysts' optimism than occurs outside the US. However, evidence regarding analysts' optimism in the 90-day period prior to the announcement of an M&A deal is mixed.
机译:监管机构最近放宽了2003年全球研究分析师和解的某些规定(“全球和解”),以及相关的改革,这些改革是由于投资银行内部的利益冲突导致发布欺诈性或其他误导性的分析研究报告而产生的。通过比较股票中显示的乐观情绪,我们研究了全球和解在减少雇主推荐的分析员的股票推荐中观察到的系统乐观度方面的有效性,该分析师的雇主是所涵盖公司的“并购”顾问(“关联分析师”)这些分析师和独立分析师在全球和解前后发布的建议。为了控制其他时变因素对分析师乐观的影响,我们的样本包括来自美国和全球结算未直接影响的其他国家的案例。我们认为,如果“全球和解”有效,那么这项改革后应该降低关联分析师的相对乐观度,与美国以外地区的关联分析师相比,相对乐观度的降低应该更大。 。如果在并购公告前后的180天内衡量乐观情绪,我们发现美国关联分析师的乐观情绪下降的幅度要比美国以外的情况大得多。但是,在宣布并购交易之前的90天内,有关分析师乐观情绪的证据好坏参半。



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