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Safety Culture, Moral Disengagement, and Accident Underreporting


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Moral disengagement (MD) is the process by which individuals mitigate the consequences of their own violations of moral standards. Although MD is understood to be co-determined by culture norms, no study has yet explored the extent to which MD applied to safety at work (JS-MD) fosters safety violations (e.g., accident underreporting), nor the role of organizational culture as a predictor of JS-MD. The current study seeks to address this gap in the literature by examining individual-(MD) and organizational-level (culture) factors that explain why employees fail to report workplace accidents. We tested a latent variable structural model positing organizational culture typologies (autocratic, bureaucratic, clan-patronage, technocratic, and cooperative) as predictors of JS-MD, which in turn is expected to mediate the relationship with accident underreporting. Using data from 1033 employees in 28 Italian organizations, findings suggest that bureaucratic safety culture was related to lower levels of JS-MD, whereas technocratic safety culture was related to greater JS-MD. In turn, JS-MD positively predicted employee accident underreporting and fully mediated the relationship between culture and underreporting. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed in light of the increasing focus on underreporting as well as the adverse individual and organizational consequences of failing to report workplace accidents.
机译:道德脱离接触(MD)是个人减轻自己违反道德标准的后果的过程。尽管人们认为MD是由文化规范共同决定的,但尚无研究探讨MD应用于工作安全(JS-MD)在多大程度上助长了违反安全的行为(例如,事故报告不足),也没有探索组织文化在以下方面的作用: JS-MD的预测指标。当前的研究试图通过研究解释员工为什么不报告工作场所事故的个人(MD)和组织级(文化)因素来解决文献中的这一空白。我们测试了一个潜在的可变结构模型,该模型假定组织文化类型(专制,官僚,宗族赞助,技术官僚和合作社)为JS-MD的预测指标,而该模型反过来有望介导与事故少报的关系。利用来自28个意大利组织的1033名员工的数据,发现表明官僚安全文化与JS-MD的较低水平相关,而技术官僚安全文化与JS-MD的较高水平相关。反过来,JS-MD积极预测了员工事故报告不足的情况,并充分调节了文化与报告不足之间的关系。鉴于对漏报的关注日益增加以及未能报告工作场所事故对个人和组织造成的不利影响,讨论了理论和实践意义。



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