AbstractThe Kamay and Hill insider trading conviction in Australia highlights many of the issues and problems i'/> When Kamay Met Hill: Organisational Ethics in Practice
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When Kamay Met Hill: Organisational Ethics in Practice

机译:当Kamay Met Hill:实践中的组织道德

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AbstractThe Kamay and Hill insider trading conviction in Australia highlights many of the issues and problems involved in the prevention, detection and prosecution of insider trading. The case uniquely highlights how ethical behaviour is instilled at home, in school and in society, and the need for ethical responsibility at the personal and organisational level to complement legal rules and enforcement. We use the Kamay and Hill case to explore the reasons behind the failure of the traditional top-down approach to insider trading prevention, where institutional ethical codes of conduct largely reflect and rely upon national rules, norms, and regulation. We propose a bottom-up approach to ensure that individual and organisational behaviour is ethical, where emphasis is not on compliance but on a set of core ethical values that allow individual and corporate expression. It is our strong belief that compliance cannot replace ethics.
机译: 摘要 澳大利亚的Kamay和Hill内部交易定罪凸显了许多问题参与预防,侦查和起诉内幕交易。该案独特地突出了如何在家庭,学校和社会中灌输道德行为,以及在个人和组织层面对道德责任的需要,以补充法律规则和执法。我们使用Kamay和Hill案来探讨传统的自上而下的内部交易预防方法失败的原因,在这种方法中,机构道德行为守则在很大程度上反映并依赖于国家规则,规范和法规。我们提出了一种自下而上的方法,以确保个人和组织行为符合道德规范,其中重点不是合规性,而是强调一系列允许个人和公司表达的核心道德价值观。我们坚信合规不能取代道德。



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