首页> 外文期刊>Journal of business and economic perspectives >On The Financial Characteristics Of Firms That Reported The Highest Returns To Total Capital During A Period Of Economic Recession And Financial Market Turmoil

On The Financial Characteristics Of Firms That Reported The Highest Returns To Total Capital During A Period Of Economic Recession And Financial Market Turmoil


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The purpose of this study is to provide a financial analysis of those firms described by Value Line as having reported the highest returns to total capital in the recent period of economic recession and financial market turmoil. Specifically, the analysis will test for significant differences in the financial profiles of those firms that reported the highest levels of returns to total capital in that period, and companies selected at random but from the same period and from the same industries. A unique financial profile is established for the companies reporting the high returns, and it is suggested that the profile may be used to identify firms that will experience high returns to total capital in future periods of economic downturn. As in previous studies of this nature Multiple Discriminant Analysis is used.
机译:这项研究的目的是为Value Line所描述的那些公司提供财务分析,这些公司在最近的经济衰退和金融市场动荡时期报告了最高的总资本回报率。具体而言,该分析将测试那些报告该时期总资本收益最高水平的公司,以及从同一时期和同一行业中随机选择的公司的财务状况中的显着差异。为报告高回报的公司建立了独特的财务状况,建议使用此状况来识别在未来经济下滑时期将获得较高总资本回报率的公司。像以前这种性质的研究一样,使用了多判别分析。



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