首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biosciences >Liver and kidney toxicity in chronic use of opioids: An experimental long term treatment model

Liver and kidney toxicity in chronic use of opioids: An experimental long term treatment model


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In this study, histopathological and biochemical changes due to chronic usage of morphine or tramadol in liver and kidney were assessed in rats. Thirty male Wistar rats (180-220 g) were included and divided into three groups. Normal saline (1 ml) was given intraperitoneally as placebo in the control group (n - 10). Morphine group (n = 10) received morphine intraperitoneally at a dose of 4, 8, 10 mg/kg/day in the first, second and the third ten days of the study, respectively. Tramadol group (n = 10), received the drug intraperitoneally at doses of 20, 40 and 80 mg/kg/day in the first, second and the third ten days of the study, respectively. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatinin, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured in the serum. Liver and kidney specimens were evaluated by light microscopy. Serum ALT, AST, LDH, BUN and creatinin levels were significantly higher in morphine group compared to the control group. Serum LDH, BUN and creatinin levels were significantly increased in the morphine group compared to the tramadol group. The mean MDA level was significantly higher in morphine group compared to the tramadol and control groups (P < 0.05). Light microscopy revealed severe centrolobular congestion and focal necrosis in the liver of morphine and tramadol groups, but perivenular necrosis was present only in the morphine group. The main histopathologic finding was vacuolization in tubular cells in morphine and tramadol groups. Our findings pointed out the risk of increased lipid peroxidation, hepatic and renal damage due to long term use of opioids, especially morphine. Although opioids are reported to be effective in pain management, their toxic effects should be kept in mind during chronic usage.
机译:在这项研究中,在大鼠中评估了由于长期使用吗啡或曲马多在肝脏和肾脏中引起的组织病理学和生化变化。包括30只雄性Wistar大鼠(180-220g),并分成三组。对照组(n-10)腹膜内给予生理盐水(1 ml)作为安慰剂。吗啡组(n = 10)在研究的第一,第二和第三十天分别以4、8、10 mg / kg /天的剂量腹膜内接受吗啡。曲马多组(n = 10)在研究的第一,第二和第三天分别以20、40和80 mg / kg /天的剂量腹膜内接受药物。测定血清中的天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST),丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT),乳酸脱氢酶(LDH),肌酐,血尿素氮(BUN)和丙二醛(MDA)水平。通过光学显微镜评估肝和肾标本。吗啡组的血清ALT,AST,LDH,BUN和肌酐水平显着高于对照组。与曲马多组相比,吗啡组的血清LDH,BUN和肌酐水平显着增加。与曲马多和对照组相比,吗啡组的平均MDA水平明显更高(P <0.05)。光学显微镜检查显示吗啡和曲马多组的肝脏出现严重的小叶中心充血和局灶性坏死,但仅吗啡组出现了室周坏死。主要的组织病理学发现是吗啡和曲马多组肾小管细胞空泡化。我们的研究结果指出,长期使用阿片类药物(尤其是吗啡)会增加脂质过氧化,肝和肾损害的风险。尽管据报告阿片类药物在疼痛控制中有效,但在长期使用期间应牢记其毒性作用。



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